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CMT looking for you as a MetroLink rider

Here is your chance to become a star in St. Louis just for riding MetroLink. As a part of the 20th Anniversary of MetroLink promotions in St. Louis, CMT is looking for St. Louis commuters who use MetroLink on a regular basis for their commutes. Those individuals could potentially become transit “stars’ as a part … Continued

CMT Announces a Young Transit Professionals Initiative

We’ve seen a lot of recent coverage in the news about the interest that young professionals have in transit.  Story after story cites the draw to transit oriented, walkable communities that allow young professionals to navigate their lives without a car.  As St. Louis strives to retain and seek top young talent and become a … Continued

TOD in the Central West End is Booming!

Washington University Medical Center plans to build a $75 million, energy-efficient, multistory research building dedicated to interdisciplinary research to be completed in June 2015.  They plan to move researchers involved in genetics, genomics and regenerative biology to the new building upon its completion.  The new building will add lab space and will replace older, less … Continued

House Subcommittee considerig bill with significant cuts to Amtrak in Budget

Today, the House of Representatives Transportation Housing and Urban Development Subcommittee is considering a bill that will slash Amtrak’s budget by a third in 2014–putting Amtrak’s future very much in jeopardy. To make matters worse, the bill, if passed, doesn’t include even a dollar for the High Speed and Intercity Passenger Rail Program.  Click here … Continued

June 20, 2013 is National Dump the Pump Day!

CMT and Metro St. Louis invite you to Dump the Pump on Thursday, June 20, 2013! With transportation making up more and more of families’ and individual’s monthly budget, saving money is on everyone’s mind. The price of gas, the cost to park, vehicle maintenance and insurance are costing us more money than ever. Now … Continued

Detroit Plans Urban Renewal Around a New Streetcar System

Community leaders in Detroit are counting on a a new streetcar rail system to drive its economic revival.  The proposed rail line has cleared an environmental review and M-1 Rail, a nonprofit organization overseeing the $140 streetcar project, strives to launch the service in late 2015.  Construction bids have been made, and the contract winner … Continued

CMT ULI TAP at CORTEX looks at LRT station location, parking and incentives

More than 50 CMT members, friends and interested parties attended a briefing this morning on Citizens for Modern Transit’s Urban Land Institute Technical Assistance Panel’s (TAP)  report to the Community on CORTEX.   CMT commissioned the study as a part of its works on Transit Oriented Development (TOD) education and advocacy as well as to build … Continued

Form Based Code and Transit

Why TOD in St. Louis? Many St. Louisans say “What is TOD? Why do you keep talking about TOD?”  Well, TOD or Transit Oriented Development is a trend happening across the country where transit systems are used as a tool to create development. When we say development, we aren’t just talking about any development but … Continued

Put Transit on equal footing with driving – contact your Congressman and Senator today!

House and Senate champions have recently introduced legislation that would make transit benefit parity permanent. ACT needs your help to secure additional co-sponsors. In the House, Congressman Michael Grimm (R-NY) was joined by Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), Congressman Peter King (R-NY), and Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) in introducing HR 2288, the Commuter Parity Act. This … Continued

Ask Governor’s support for additional funding for transit in MO

While SJR 16 did not leave the legislature this year, the Missouri General Assembly did approve an additional $500,000 from General revenue for Missouri’s Transit Program. This would be in addition to the $560,000 from the State Transportation Fund for public transit.  Now is the time to ask Governor Nixon to support this additional appropriation for … Continued

CMT Panel Discussion looks at new transit initiatives in STL

CMT hosted Meet me in St. Louis on a trolley, a streetcar or bus rapid transit Panel Discussion last night at the Embassy Suites in Downtown St. Louis. Those in attendance heard about three new transit initiatives moving forward or being considered for the St. Louis region– The Loop Trolley project which will be 2.2 mile … Continued

June is a great month to give Transit a Try because it pays to ride it!

Join Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) as we host an additional month of events to promote St. Louis’ transit system and its benefits to the region.  CMT’s promotions supported by the St. Clair County Transit District will include a special Ten Toe Walk through historic Belleville on June 4, a panel discussion focusing on new … Continued

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