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The Holiday MetroLink Train arrives in STL tomorrow!

The St. Louis Convention and Visitors Commission (CVC) is partnering again this year with Metro Transit on the Holiday Magic Train to bring holiday cheer to thousands of area commuters who will  ride transit between now and December 31.  The inaugural train ride is set for Tuesday, Nov. 20 from the Shrewsbury MetroLink Station at 10:40 … Continued

Transit proves it is a WINNER in 2012

By a passage rate of nearly 70 percent (68.4%), voters across the country continued a track record of success for pro-transit measures as 13 of 19 local public transit-related ballot initiatives were approved on November 6. Adding these results to a total of earlier transit measures that took place this year, 46 out of 58 pro-transit … Continued

“Tapping Into Transit” Event Draws a Crowd

Last night’s first “Tapping Into Transit” event highlighting High Speed Rail in the Midwest  proved to be a enlightening way to build the conversation surrounding expanded and enhanced public transportation in the region.  More than 60 community members, local stakeholders, students, professionals, and Mayor Francis Slay gathered at the Sheraton Hotel to hear from Rick … Continued

Metro Arts in Transit Debuts First of Ten New MetroLink Art Installations

Today marks the unveiling of the first of ten new art projects that are set to debut at ten different MetroLink stations over the next several years.  Artist Mary Lucking was joined this morning by Metro CEO John Nations, Wellston Mayor Linda Whitfield, Wellston Councilwoman Gracie White, and others at the Wellston MetroLink Station to introduce her bronze sculpture titled … Continued

CMT releases new report on strategies for TOD in slow growth market

Citizens for Modern Transit recently released a report on 10 Strategies for Attracting Development Near Transit in a Slow Growth Market  based on a compilation of ideas gleaned from organizational findings in St. Louis, published research and from the information gathered from work completed through Citizens for Modern Transit’s Missouri Foundation for Health grant, ULI … Continued

Metro to upgrade 124 bus stops in City

Metro Transit has announced that work will begin next week on improvements to 124 MetroBus stops in the City of St. Louis. The improvements will provide new or better access for MetroBus customers with disabilities. The work at each of these bus stops will include a number of customer amenities, depending on location.  Those amenities … Continued

CMT releases RFP for Graphic Design work

Citizens for Modern Transit (“CMT”) is seeking a consultant to assist CMT with a transit advertising campaign on the Guaranteed Ride Home Program and the benefits of public transportation in order to increase transit ridership on the system.  The campaign will include creation and development of a tag line and design of the transit advertising … Continued

Major Victory for Transportation Measures on Election Day

  November 6 was a day of celebration for transit advocates across the country as 17 out of 26 transportation measures on the ballot in 14 different states resulted in further investment for our cities’ transportation systems.  That translates to a 65% success rate.  As of Wednesday morning, 3 measures were still awaiting election results in Pierce … Continued

Union Pacific recognizes Kirkwood as Train Town USA

The City of Kirkwood has been recognized as a Train Town USA by the Union Pacific Railroad as part of their 150th anniversary celebration.   A public ceremony and presentation of the Train Town USA recognition was held on October 30. Union Pacific developed the Train Town USA registry as part of its sesquicentennial celebration.  According … Continued

Election Day Presents Opportunities for Transportation Investment

Nineteen transportation measures will be on the ballot in 12 different states tomorrow, offering voters an opportunity to invest in their communities by investing in transportation.  A variety of transportation projects will be on the ballot across the country, including a number of measures specifically targeted at financing public transit expansion.  Los Angeles, Memphis, and Orange County, NC … Continued

CMT Challenges Members with year end appeal

I am pleased to inform you that Citzens for Modern Transit (CMT) has been awarded a grant to help build support for public transit in our community. This competitively-awarded Federal grant will provide more than $600,000 to CMT to educate the public about public transit; to provide support for building livable communities that encourage transit … Continued

CMT awarded Missouri Foundation for Health Grant to continue focus on TOD

Citizens for Modern Transit has been awarded a grant by the Missouri Foundation for Health to continue its work on Transit Oriented Development policy in the St. Louis region.  Quality housing and neighborhoods are vital to community health and well-being.  St. Louis has an asset which could serve as a catalyst for quality development if … Continued

The case for investment in public transit in MO

Recently, the Missouri Public Transit Association, MPTA, released a case statement on the need for state investment in public transit in Missouri.  According to the national American Public TRansit Association, every dollar spent on public transportation generates four dollars in direct return on investment in economic activity.  There are not many investments like this generating … Continued

The Laurel Apartments To Begin Resident WeCar Program with electric vehicle

The Laurel Apartments at The Mercantile Exchange is about to become the first apartment community to offer its residents a car-sharing program.  The Laurel is partnering with WeCar by Enterprise Rent-A-Car to provide this service.  Even more exciting is the announcement that the cars to be used by the program will be the new Chevy Volt … Continued

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