Citizens for Modern Transit recently released a report on 10 Strategies for Attracting Development Near Transit in a Slow Growth Market based on a compilation of ideas gleaned from organizational findings in St. Louis, published research and from the information gathered from work completed through Citizens for Modern Transit’s Missouri Foundation for Health grant, ULI Grant, and work for the HUD Regional Sustainability Planning Grant.
CMT’s mission reaches far beyond the scope of the MetroLink expansion debate to rebuilding the St. Louis City, County, and Illinois neighborhoods by investing in passenger rail transit. Rail transit is not just a way to move from point A to B but a means to energize and revitalize existing communities.
In keeping with this mission, CMT has developed 10 strategies based on the Urban Land Institute’s 10 Strategies for development tailored to a market with slow growth. CMT’s focus was areas within a half mile radius, or ten minute walk, of stations to determine what types of potential development, even in a slow growth market, could benefit the surrounding communities. This development would provide needed amenities while encouraging use of transit as well as healthier lifestyles for area residents.