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CMT Ten Toes + Transit

The Ten Toe Express program links walking with public transit use resulting in a healthier, more active lifestyle.

CMT’s Try and Ride Program

CMT’s Try & Ride Program gives commuters the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the transit system, their personal route, the money saving benefits, and more.

Transit Stop Transformation Projects

TRANSIT STOP TRANSFORMATION PROJECTS: An initiative of CMT and AARP in St. Louis Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT), the regional transit advocacy organization, and AARP in St. Louis initiated a pilot project through its Transit Placemaking Program in 2019 to transform the bus stop in the City of Maplewood. The effort, known as the “Maplewood … Continued

CMT Process for Evaluation of RFP Proposals for grant programs

All proposals submitted in response to a CMT request for proposal (RFP) will initially be evaluated using the following criteria (each weighted equally): Qualifications of person/firm conducting the work Proposal Quality Product samples – samples provided and/or on firm website need to be relevant to work being asked to be completed. Once the proposals are … Continued

Policy Briefs and Reports

CMT produces policy briefs and related reports to help elected officials, community activists, interested residents and more leverage the benefits of transit in their communities.

CMT Metro Monitor Program

The MetroLink Monitor Program was established to monitor the quality and condition of stations along the MetroLink alignment.

Guaranteed Ride Home

The extra security when taking transit or bicycling to work, alleviating the “What ifs”.

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