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Smart Cards aim to offer better convenience to MARTA customers

Cash is becoming a thing of the past including on transit. Instead of searching for exact change when taking public transportation, smart card technology offers pre-payment and saves passengers hassle and time. Rather than standing in line to purchase tickets, smartcards can be pre-loaded and ready to go, allowing travelers to bypass ticket vending machines … Continued

What would you like to see in MO’s Transportation Future?

The Missouri Department of Transportation has released for review its draft 20 year Long Range Transportation Plan – “A Vision for Missouri’s Transportation Future.”  While 20 years may seem like a long time, remember we just celebrated 20 years of MetroLink this past July, in transportation planning and construction, it is not. However, now is … Continued

What would you like to see in MO’s Transportation future?

The Missouri Department of Transportation has released for review its draft 20 year Long Range Transportation Plan – “A Vision for Missouri’s Transportation Future.”  While 20 years may seem like a long time, remember we just celebrated 20 years of MetroLink this past July, in transportation planning and construction, it is not. However, now is … Continued

Would you support a One-Cent Sales Tax for Transportation In MO?

Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander announced that an initiative petition for a one-cent transportation sales tax was approved for circulation last week, and CMT wants to know what you think.  What would this sales tax have to fund to get your vote? What do you think of using a sales tax to fund transportation? … Continued

Transportation Tax Initiative Petition approved for circulation

Secretary of State Jason Kander announced that the initiative petition for a one cent transportation sales tax has been approved for circulation. The official ballot language reads: Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to: increase funding for state, county, and municipal street, road, bridge, highway and public transportation initiatives by increasing state sales/use tax by … Continued

Letter to CMT Members & Friends

November 14, 2013 Dear CMT members and friends: Citizens for Modern Transit is thrilled to have received word about exciting opportunities ahead for our region related to public transit. And, we need your help! Thanks to two, competitively-awarded Federal grants, Citizens for Modern Transit is set to receive $1.25 million to help further community support for … Continued

HNTB Survey Finds that 76% of Americans Open to Taking Public Transportation

HNTB Corporation’s recent survey shows that 76% of Americans “are open” to taking public transportation for a trip instead of driving, which is 7% more than responded this way in 2010. The survey, run the week of September 5 – 12 of 2013, collected responses from a random nationwide sample of 1,127 Americans. HNTB’s poll … Continued

Slay Announces $1 million to spur Affordable Housing near Transit

Today, City of St. Louis Mayor Slay held a press conference at City Hall to announce new funding for housing developments near MetroLink and MetroBus.  The City hopes to encourage development near transit as a means to increase access to jobs.  The funding  for the Affordable Housing Commission (AHC) of the City of St. Louis … Continued

What do you consider a top transit priority for the St. Louis region?

As CMT builds its list of legislative priorities for FY14 and discussions continue on possible statewide funding sources for transportation, one key question continues to rise to the top – what are the transit priorities for the St. Louis region moving forward.  What is the next project that this region wants to see move forward … Continued

Could Transit Be a Catalyst for Community Building in St. Louis?

Every region of the United States faces community revitalization challenges.  Many readers of the Community Builders Exchange lead these efforts in St. Louis.  As someone interested in your work, I often think about how infrastructure influences the health and well-being of the underserved in our region.  How can a community use what it has to … Continued

CMT & SCCTD to host a Commuter Happy Hour in Belleville on Oct. 17

 Events Aimed at Reinforcing the Ease of Usability and Benefits of Taking Transit  In recent years, transit use has increased faster than any other mode of transportation, yet many St. Louisans still shy away from it because of the fear of the unknown. To combat this issue, Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) and the St. … Continued

SLDC Annual Report highlights developments near MetroLink

The 2013 St. Louis Development Corporation Annual Report was released last week in the St. Louis Business Journal.  One of the most interesting highlights of the report was the fact that every development project highlighted is either within walking distance of MetroLink or has high hopes of attracting a station to their site.  CityArchRiver, SLU  … Continued

Tony Transit is back for CMT Commuter Happy Hour on Oct. 17

Tony Patrico from 105.7 the Point will be riding the Metrolink on the Illinois routes Thursday afternoon, Oct. 17 as a part of CMT’s activities for the upcoming Commuter Happy Hour sponsored by the St. Clair County Transit District.     Spot Patrico and you could win a $50.00 visa gift card. Then join Tony for the … Continued

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