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House approves Transportation Bill

Updated 11/6/15 Yesterday, the US House of Representatives passed a 6-year transportation bill, the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2015 . The legislation is a 6-year bill authorizing $325 billion for transportation over that time. The bill will now move to a conference committee. The current extension of MAP-21 expires on November 20th.   There … Continued

Consider a special year-end gift for transit in 2015 with CMT

Transit is at a critical juncture in the St. Louis region. The recently released Ferguson Commission Report highlighted the need for transit expansion and funding as a signature priority project. St. Louis County is wrapping up community engagement for the selection of a corridor to take a MetroLink expansion study to the next level. The … Continued

CMT’s TRY & RIDE doubles 2 year goal in 16 months

CMT’s Try & Ride program has been on a fast-track to success since it launched in mid-June of 2014. In a mere 16 months, the transit advocacy organization doubled its two-year goal of helping 1,500 area residents “test drive” MetroLink and MetroBus to experience, first-hand, how easy and advantageous the system can be for the … Continued

East-West Gateway Board names new leader

The East-West Gateway Council of Governments, the metropolitan planning organization, named a new leader today at its monthly board meeting.  The East-West Gateway board unanimously voted to name Jim Wild as its executive director.  Wild replaces Ed Hillhouse who resigned in June. East-West Gateway is responsible for setting the transportation policy and priority projects for the region. … Continued

Seniors, Sign-Up with Metro for Reduced Fares

If you’re 65 or older, you’re eligible for half price tickets on Metro by obtaining a Senior Reduced Fare Permit. To make it easier for seniors to obtain their permits, Metro is holding eight registration events at local Schnucks stores in October and November. To register for a pass, or renew an expired passes, you’ll … Continued

CMT releases RFP for Graphic Design for Transit Crush

Request for Proposals for Graphic Design to Citizens for Modern Transit Federal Project CMAQ-5456(611) Citizens for Modern Transit (“CMT”) is seeking a graphic design consultant to assist CMT with a winter advertising campaign for the 2016 CMT Transit Crush; a Love that Moves You, a program set for Feb. 11, 2016 to raise awareness on … Continued

Help shape transportation in & around Forest Park

The Forest Park Connectivity and Mobility Study wants your input! The project team is looking to create a vision for connectivity and improve the overall visitor experience. The study will evaluate how visitors move through the park, access the park, and travel to the park from the greater St. Louis region.  Please join us during Discovery Week to offer feedback … Continued

CMT & AARP in St. Louis team up to geocache with transit this fall

CMT and AARP in St. Louis are adding a new dimension to the CMT Ten Toe Express with an opportunity to geocache with your grandchildren.  Electronic treasure hunting with transit is one more way to add to the adventures of the Ten Toe Express. Geocaching is an outdoor recreational activity, in which participants use a … Continued

Boston adopts plan to address transportation inequality

The City of Boston is engaging the public as a part of Go Boston 2013 to build a transportation action plan to address significant inequalities in the community.  The report highlights several transportation goals around access, quality, affordability and innovation. A few of these goals include: Ensuring there is affordable housing in areas where there are … Continued

Chicago City Council approves changes to TOD

The City of Chicago City Council voted on Thursday, Sept. 25 to approve a revised Transit Oriented Development (TOD) ordinance. The revised TOD ordinance expands the boundaries of eligible properties and allows the elimination of required parking entirely in certain circumstances. It also provides several incentives for developments near rail transit stations (CTA and Metra), … Continued

MO Governor opportunity to get on board with transit

Investment in transportation is the key to moving Missouri forward. The recent release of the Ferguson Commission Report highlights transportation among the report’s more than three dozen “signature priorities” under the category that addresses economic opportunity. These recommendations provide Missouri and Governor Nixon an opportunity to step up for transit and make a difference in this … Continued

CMT achieves goals identified in One STL Plan

Citizens for Modern Transit announces today their achievement of multiple goals in OneSTL, a regional plan for sustainable development that provides a framework for collaboration among local governments as they adapt to the changing needs of the area’s communities. OneSTL is sponsored by four core members — East-West Gateway Council of Governments, the City of St. Louis, … Continued

Transportation Summit highlights possibilities for funding

The St. Louis Regional Chamber and the Greater St. Charles Chamber of Commerce teamed up on a Transportation Summit on September 29.   Much of the discussion throughout the event focused on funding for transportation.  Senator Doug Libla, sponsor of last year’s SB540 to raise the tax on motor fuel by six cents per gallon over … Continued

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