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CMT & Regional Chamber talk transit in Northside Southside Corridor

IMG_0918 IMG_0920 IMG_0910As area leaders continue to examine the benefits of  MetroLink expansion, Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) and the St. Louis Regional Chamber hosted an informational discussion this morning designed to update the public on the Northside/Southside MetroLink study which is currently underway in St. Louis City.

The discussion was led by Dan Meyers, project manager from AECOM, the consulting firm leading the study. Meyers provided background on the study and its scope of work and Matt Wetli, with Development Strategies, highlighted the story behind the study. Meyers talked about the FTA process required for any new starts transit project.

This 18 month study will examine a portion of the route known as the Northside/Southside that runs through Downtown St. Louis, extends north along 14th Street, North Florissant, and Natural Bridge to near I-70 at Goodfellow Boulevard, and from Downtown south along Jefferson Avenue slightly past the City limits to Bayless Road at I-55. The study will also identify and analyze an alternative to the Northside Locally Preferred Alternative alignment that would serve the new NGA site.

“We know that more and better transit options in the ST. Louis region could work as part of a purposeful strategy to improve upward mobility among ST. Louis residents. As the regional transit advocacy organization, CMT continues to advocate for the region to come to consensus on a priority project(s) while simultaneously building a funding package to make those priorities a reality.  Convenience, access, integration to economic opportunities and jobs, along with attracting and retaining talent are all reasons we need to move transit forward,” said Kim Cella, Executive Director of CMT.

The Northside/Southside corridor is one of four corridors that were identified in Missouri as possible Metrolink expansion corridors by the East-West Gateway Council of Governments.  The City made the decision last year to update and further the data on this Corridor.

Local organizations involved in executing the Northside/Southside MetroLink study include AECOM, Arcturis, Development Strategies, EDSI, Kivindyo Engineering Services, Resource Systems Group, WSP Parsons Brinkerhoff and Vector Communications.

Northside/Southside Presentation Part 1

NOrthside Southside Presentation Part 2

Presentation Part 3


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