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CMT Try & Ride program exceeds all goals at 1 year mark

The CMT Try & Ride program continues to exceed all goals set for the program in attracting new riders to the transit system in St. Louis.  The program kicked off on June 14, 2014 with the help of local media personalities Todd Morgan from KHITS and Paul Cook from Y98 talking about their experiences as … Continued

Great adventures await this summer with Transit & Trails in St. Louis

Start exploring with your own ten toes, Metro and greenways Connect MetroBus  and MetroLink to the Great River Greenway system to some exciting destinations this summer. Now is the time to start your adventure. . . St. Louis has some of the best transit to trail connections thanks to Great Rivers Greenway and Metro.   Get … Continued

St. Louis County to fund light rail expansion study

St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger announced at the East-West Gateway Council of Governments’ board meeting in May  the county intended to spend $1 million to study MetroLink expansion. He also asked this study be included in East-West Gateway’s Connected 2045, the region’s long-range regional transportation plan. The plan currently outlines $4 billion worth of projects that … Continued

Define a clear strategy for future transit projects

CMT Executive Director Kim Cella’s Op-Ed as it appeared in the St. Louis Post Dispatch on May 26: East-West Gateway Council of Governments, the local planning organization for the St. Louis region, is currently soliciting public comments on its newest long-range regional transportation plan, known as Connected2045. The plan outlines $4 billion worth of projects … Continued

Join CMT for its 30th Anniversary Celebration on July 23

JOIN CMT in CELEBRATING 30 YEARS on JULY 23, 2015 Citizens for Modern Transit, founded in 1985, will celebrate 30 years of advocating for good public transit in the St. Louis region at its 30th Anniversary Celebration on July 23, 2015 at the Moonrise Hotel. We hope you will join us to  celebrate 30 years … Continued

CMT honored with 2015 What’s Right with Region! Award

On May 7, 2015, FOCUS St. Louis honored 20 organizations, individuals, and initiatives that are making a difference in St. Louis at the 18th annual What’s Right with the Region! awards celebration. The honorees were nominated by the public and selected by a panel of community judges for their impact and service to the community. … Continued

CMT Metro Market highlights opportunities beyond a sea of cars around MetroLink

Beyond Housing’s First Fridays features CMT Metro Market on June 5 at Rock Road MetroLink Station Dining? Shopping? Entertainment? A Sea of Cars?  Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) in partnership with Beyond Housing, Great Rivers Greenway and Metro is helping area residents visualize the opportunities around transit beyond a sea of parking at the Rock … Continued

CMT Releases RFP for Tshirt printing

Request for Proposals for Tshirt Printing to Citizens for Modern Transit Federal Project CMAQ-5401-710   Citizens for Modern Transit (“CMT”) is seeking a tshirt vendor to print tshirts as a part of CMT’s Great Race promotions to promote ridership on the transit system. Work products will include layout and printing of the tshirts. CMT will … Continued

New North County Transit Center under construction

Metro’s latest transit center is under construction. The new North County Transit Center will be located on Pershall Road between West Florissant Ave. and New Halls Ferry Road.   With 19 percent of MetroBus and MetroLink ridership in North St. Louis County, Metro secured federal funding to plan and build the new transit center. The construction … Continued

One MetroLink Monitor opportunity left – write today!

Citizens for Modern Transit has one MetroLink Monitor opportunity left and we hope you’ll volunteer today! CMT is currently looking for a volunteer to check on the Clayton station.  If you take MetroLink regularly or live or work in the area, this would be a perfect opportunity to get involved in transit improvement efforts in … Continued

CMT & Creating Whole Communities look at transit’s role in development in communities

CMT & Creating Whole Communities partnered on March 12 to present Transportation’s Impact on the Neighborhood.  The program featured  Rosa Ortiz with Enterprise Community Partners on transit’s role in creating equitable development opportunities in a community.  Enterprise Community Partners has worked in communities across the country to ensure TOD is attainable along transit infrastructure corridors.   Ms. Ortiz serves as a … Continued

Metro Service Changes Scheduled for March 16

Responding to customer and operator feedback, Metro has announced its spring service changes, many of which will make route connections better for passengers. Metro provided the following details of the service changes, which will be effective Monday, March 16: #11 Chippewa: The weekday eastbound trip at 6:02 p.m. from the Shrewsbury-Lansdowne I-44 MetroLink Station will … Continued

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