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CMT Releases RFP for Tshirt printing

great_race_turquoise2015Request for Proposals for Tshirt Printing to Citizens for Modern Transit

Federal Project CMAQ-5401-710


Citizens for Modern Transit (“CMT”) is seeking a tshirt vendor to print tshirts as a part of CMT’s Great Race promotions to promote ridership on the transit system.

Work products will include layout and printing of the tshirts. CMT will need two different colored shirts (preferably a vibrant orange and turquoise) – 100 of each color.   The design is 4 color on front and one color on back of shirts.

A detailed budget will need to be submitted with proposal including delivery fees.

CMT encourages disadvantaged, small, women-owned, and/or minority business participation.  Proposers must include the DBE Participation Form or its equivalent in the proposal, even if the DBE participation is zero (0).

Proposals are due no later than April 22, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. local time to the following address:

“TAP Program”

c/o Kimberly Cella

Executive Director

Citizens for Modern Transit 911 Washington, Ste. 200 St. Louis, MO 63101

Email proposals are acceptable to  Tshirts will need to be completed no later than May 11, 2015. 


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