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CMT Sponsors ULI TAP at Belleville Station

Thursday, November 11, 2011, Citizens for Modern Transit partnered with Metro, St. Clair County Transit District (SCCTD), and the City of Belleville to host the first of three Urban Land Institute (ULI) Technical Assistance Panels (TAPs).  Technical Assistance Panels are part of ULI’s Advisory Services Program and consists of panel of industry professionals assembled to … Continued

CMT Transit Commuter Survey

Dear Transit Commuter, Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) is conducting a transit commuter survey to help determine why transit commuters in Missouri and Illinois choose the bus and/or MetroLink instead of the car.  The survey will also help us understand commuter perceptions of transit in St. Louis, types of messaging that helps increase ridership, and … Continued

STLCo Wants Your Input on Sustainable Zoning

St. Louis County is asking for feedback on their DRAFT Sustainable Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Revisions. Input is requested by the close of business Wednesday November 16, 2011. Feedback should be sent to Jen Samson ( Dear Friends, Please take a look at the letter from Glenn Powers and the attached document. As you may … Continued

Missouri Businesses Need Transit

Before we know it, the Missouri General Assembly will reconvene for the 2012 Legislative session. Missouri companies have lists of legislative priorities they would like to see this session especially in the current economy. There is, however, one item that should be top priority for any employer and the region: Transit. You may not ride … Continued

CMT Elects UMSL Vice- Provost to Board

The Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) Board of Directors unanimously elected Curtis Coonrod with University of Missouri – St. Louis to a three year term on the Citizens for Modern Transit Board of Directors .  Mr. Coonrod is Vice Provost and Dean of Students/Student Affairs at UMSL. “CMT is very lucky to have the addition … Continued

City Issues RFP for TOD at CORTEX Site

The St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) has issued and RFP/RFQ for transit oriented development at the CORTEX Site. Starting Date: 11-04-2011 Closing Date: 12-02-2011 Closing Time: 12:00 PM Summary St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) seeks a consulting firm (Consultant) with expertise in transit feasibility studies, connectivity planning, and transit-oriented development (TOD)planning. The objective is to … Continued

TOD Can Make Transit Pofitable

That’s right…Profitable.  Sustainable Cities Collective recently posted an article about Hong Kong’s Mass Transit Rail (MTR) and how the system that connects Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, & New Territories not only 100% pays for itself, but is profitable.  So, what’s the secret behind MTR’s success: Transit Oriented Development (TOD).  The Hong Kong MTR Corporation (MTRC) … Continued

$1.2 Million Project at UMSL-South MetroLink Station

Construction on a new rail crossover at the UMSL-South MetroLink Station will begin soon.  The $1.2 million project will allow MetroLink trains to switch tracks, to bypass stalled trains or move around construction.  The project is funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and is expected to be completed in early 2013. Source: St. … Continued

Community Partnership Project Seminar Series 11/15/11

UMSL’s Community Partnership Project (CPP) presents Creating Whole Communities: If the City Reentering the County is the Solution, What’s the Problem? as part of its CPP Seminar Series. Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 – 3:00p-4:30p J.C. Penney Conference Center, Room 126 University of Missouri-St. Louis One University Boulevard The event is accessible via the UMSL-North MetroLink … Continued

Take the City of St. Louis Sustainability Survey

From Catherine Werner, Sustainability Director City of St. Louis The City of St. Louis is undergoing its first comprehensive sustainability planning process and would like to hear from those who live, work or play in the City. The Mayor’s Office has developed a Community Sustainability Survey to help gauge general sustainability viewpoints and priorities for the … Continued

APTA Hosts 12th Annual Photo Invitational

The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) is seeking photos for their 12th annual Photo Invitational. APTA wants photos that depict public transportation’s significance, value and benefits of opportunity, access, freedom, and mobility, which enable everyone in the community to accomplish what is important to them, all the while making communities stronger and more vibrant. The … Continued

Step Up for Amtrak

Amtrak and passenger rail are all the buzz today in St. Louis.  Senator Dick Durbin will hold a press conference at 12 noon today at the St. Louis Gateway Station to discuss drastic funding cuts for passenger rail. MoDOT will be holding a public open house this evening at the Kirkwood Train Station to discuss Missourians … Continued

Durbin to Hold Press Conference on Amtrak Cuts 10/26

From the Office of Dick Durbin (D-IL) 10/26/2011 ST. LOUIS – U.S. Senator Dick Durbin will hold a news conference to discuss drastic cuts to transportation spending proposed by U.S. House Republicans in their appropriations bill for FY 2012. The House legislation slashes funding for Amtrak by 60 percent and would effectively eliminate all state-supported … Continued

Winner! CMT Best Transit Pic Contest – October

For the  fourth month in a row CMT has hosted The Citizens for Modern Best Transit Pic Contest. The winner receives a free monthly Metro pass. This month’s winner was selected by CMT Associate Director: Seth Teel. With all the excitement of the Cardinal’s post season, we couldn’t help but select a photo the illustrates … Continued

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