The St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) has issued and RFP/RFQ for transit oriented development at the CORTEX Site.
Starting Date: 11-04-2011
Closing Date: 12-02-2011
Closing Time: 12:00 PM
St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) seeks a consulting firm (Consultant) with expertise in transit feasibility studies, connectivity planning, and transit-oriented development (TOD)planning. The objective is to develop projections for net new riders over the next 10 years on the MetroLink system resulting from the potential establishment of a new train station and parking garage facility (for park and ride and area employees) at CORTEX. The Scope of Services and corresponding report(s) must be completed by June 15, 2012. Work products will include: 1)Ridership Projections for a Potential New MetroLink Station in CORTEX; 2) Street-Level Connectivity Plan for CORTEX and Surrounding Areas; and 3) TOD Plan for CORTEX.
Questions contact Karin Hagaman, Major Project Manager, at or 314-622-3400 ext 222.
RFP & Attachments: