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August 15 FarmWorks Discussion

Wednesday, August 15, a couple hundred community members, passionate about sustainability in St. Louis, gathered for some locally-produced brews and to hear some locally-produced ideas from FarmWorks at Schlafly Tap House.  FarmWorks is a partnership project effort between Gateway Greening, local developer, Craig Heller, and the St. Patrick Center.  Gateway Greening, which has been in … Continued

Resurgence of the Train Station in America

Cities all across the U.S. have big plans for their individual train stations.  So many of the rail depots across the country have rich history that is coming back to life with plans to revamp their existing structures.  Union Stations in such cities as Denver, Los Angeles, St. Paul, Charlotte, Washington, D.C. (as mentioned in … Continued

Grow St. Louis, Round 4!

Monsanto’s Grow St. Louis Contest is having a 4th round and CMT is in the running for our Ten Toe Express walking program to win a grant for the amount of $5,000, $10,000 or $15,000!  Please vote for CMT on Monsanto’s website by typing “Citizens for Modern Transit” in the search box on the right … Continued

MetroQuest – Only in St. Louis Event September 22

St. Louis Public Radio 90.7 KWMU is hosting MetroQuest in St. Louis on September 22, 2012. This event is a combination scavenger hunt, pub crawl, and trivia contest in which teams of 2-8 will use MetroLink to travel the course and discover all that makes St. Louis great! Along the way, participants have the opportunity … Continued

WiFi in New York Subway Stations

After only one month, the complimentary Wi-Fi service offered in six New York City subway stationsis proving a success with commuters. The introduction of Wi-Fi is part of a $200 million plan to provide cellphone and data connectivity services to all 277 underground stations in New York by 2017. The service, sponsored by Google Offers, … Continued

Former CMT Executive Director named MPTA 2012 Friend of Transit

Tom Shrout, the former CMT Executive Director, was named the Missouri Public Transit Association 2012 Friend of Transit at their annual conference in Branson, MO. MPTA Board member Tom Sehr talked about Tom’s and CMT’s sucesses over the past 20 years: • St. Louis Region has been fortunate to have a transit advocacy organization, CMT, since … Continued

Portland’s TriMet Trip Planning Tools

“In the past year, riders have planned more than 5.5 million trips using Portland, Ore.-based TriMet’s trip planning tools. Now riders can combine transit with biking and walking using the newest version of the online trip planner. This open source trip planning tool is the first produced by a transit agency in the U.S. that … Continued

August 2012 Transit Pic Contest

Send us pics of anything transit-related. Pictures on the MetroBus and MetroLink, stations, stops, trolleys, trains, bus, shuttles, etc. We want to see your transit pics!  The winner of the month-long contest wins a monthly transit pass for September.  You can email us pictures at or upload them straight to our Facebook event page. … Continued

How Much Money Can You Save by Switching to Transit?

Taking Transit or wondering about just how much you can save by using the MetroLink or MetroBus for the work commute? Check this to calculate how much you can save by taking public transportation instead of driving. You can compare the price of using public transportation with the price of paying at the pump and … Continued

What is MAP-21?

The Federal Transit Administration’s MAP-21, or Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century, was signed into law at the beginning of July by President Obama.  This will extend SAFETEA-LU through September 30, 2012, and will go into full effect after through September 30, 2014. MAP-21 will provide a steady flow of funding for FTA … Continued

Invitation for City Managers: Design Roundtable on Placemaking and Form Based Codes

The Livable St. Louis Network is hosting a Design Roundtable event called “Placemaking and Form Based Codes.” The Design Roundtable is a new initiative of the Network to bring policymakers of the St. Louis region together with national experts to explore best practices for creating livable communities.  This Design Roundtable is for city managers only and there is … Continued

Downtown KC Voters Favor Streetcar

Out of 459 voters, 318 favored the transportation development district in downtown Kansas City.  This district will be a special taxing district to help pay for a downtown Kansas City streetcar.  This is a huge milestone for transit in the Kansas City region! “We won…with this vote, the city is very confident that the taxes … Continued

Dallas Area Rapid Transit Orange Rail Opens

On Monday, July 30, the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) opened the first 4.5 miles of the Orange line, which will eventually reach 14 miles, bringing access to employment and educational opportunities for thousands who commute in and out of Irving daily. The arrival of light rail culminates more than 12 years of land-use planning. … Continued

Possible High Speed Line Would Extend California Bullet Train to Las Vegas

A Nevada-based group is looking to create an extension to the California bullet train that would stretch the Golden State’s rail network all the way to Las Vegas. The current $68 billion California-only line is overseen by the government’s High Speed Rail Authority, but the 200-mile Vegas line, XpressWest, would be supported by a group … Continued

Give Your Input on Transit Oriented Development online today

East-West Gateway has launched a regional comprehensive TOD Study to explore development opportunities along the 37 MetroLink stations in the St. Louis metropolitan area. The study team is working  to educate stakeholders concerning the potential for TOD and to develop strategies to encourage economic development around the existing MetroLink stations, including additional retail, residential housing, … Continued

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