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CMT releases 2012 Annual Report

Citizens for Modern Transit capped off the 28th Annual Meeting with the release of the FY12 Annual Report.  Attendees received copies which highlight some of the successes of CMT in FY12: 1. Record membership levels for the organization 2.  TOD Advocacy work including two Urban Land INstitute (ULI) Technical Assistance Panels at the Belleville and … Continued

Learn how to link biking and transit at upcoming Cycling classes

Don’t miss the the upcoming CyclingSavvy classes being offered this month in the Metro East.    One of the “selling points” of the class is teaching people how to get on the local trails like the MetroBikeLink without having to put their bike on their car – just leave from home! Every level of rider can learn something … Continued

Emergency Preparedness Information Today

Today, in an effort to educate the public on how to prepare for all types of emergencies and disasters, Metro is partnering with All Ready STL to distribute emergency prep information from 2-5 p.m. at the Grand MetroLink Station and Central West End Transit Center. Metro customers can register for chance to win a Red … Continued

New Ticket Vending Machines Hit Illinois

On Tuesday, August 28, installations of new ticket vending machines (TVMs) and ticket validators on MetroLink platforms began in Illinois.  This marks the start of equipment updates on Metro’s entire fare collection system.  The stations seeing these upgrades initially will be 5th & Missouri, East Riverfront, Fairview Heights, Shiloh-Scott, College, Swansea, Belleville, Emerson Park, Jackie … Continued

Rail~Volution 2012 right around the corner, Register today!

Rail~Volution is a conference of passionate people who want to engage in thoughtful discussion about building livable communities with transit. This year, the event will take place in Los Angeles, CA from October 14-17; the conference will include over 75 workshops, networking events, and toolbox sessions. People from all perspectives, dedicated to transit, livability, and … Continued

Jay Nixon Will Help Lead Transportation Debate

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon announced that, if re-elected, he is willing to lead a serious dicussion in the future on transportation needs, including possibly using tolls to finance road and bridge projects. The use of tolls has been discussed as a way to finance a new Missour River bridge at Washington, which has been included in … Continued

Metro takes extra precautions to ensure safety of riders

  Lately, there have been a lot of stories in the media about crime in St. Louis. Many times we hear from potential new riders asking how safe it is to ride the system.  We wanted to make sure that current and new riders know that there are many procedures in place to ensure the … Continued

CMT celebrates successes of FY12

FY12 proved to be a year of connecting people and places with transit. Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) prides itself on being able to make this connection for St. Louis through events and programs, advocacy and education. Transit has the ability to not only move people from point A to point B, but connect people … Continued

Join CMT on a Walkabout at the North Hanley MetroLink Station

Citizens for Modern Transit is hosting a Walkabout at the N. Hanley MetroLink Station on Friday, October 12  to look at the possibilities for the neighborhood and community around MetroLink.  Please join us!  CMT received a grant from the Missouri Foundation for Health to look at areas surrounding MetroLink stations in our communities. We are asking for … Continued

CMT Transit Happy Hours offer Refreshing change for area commuters

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) is hosting two “Commuter Happy Hour” events to reinforce the system’s ease of usability and benefits. All area residents, including longtime MetroLink users and potential new riders, are invited to stop by the Belleville MetroLink Station on Wednesday, Sept. 5 and the Shrewsbury MetroLink station on Monday, Sept. 17 anytime … Continued

Heels on Wheels Ride

Thursday, September 6, from 5-5:30p.m., Trailnet will be hosting “Heels on Wheels.”  This bike ride will start at the Downtown Bike Station and end at Rosalita’s Cantina on Washington Ave. for happy hour.  This event is free for any and all women to participate with the hope of bringing together like-minded women, who are looking … Continued

Advancements on the Arcade Building Redevelopment

Dominium Development and Acquisition will be advancing with negotiations for its proposed historic redevelopment of the Arcade Wright Building in downtown St. Louis. The proposal will now go to the building owner, the city’s Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority, who is being offered $6 million for the Arcade as part of a project that could … Continued

CMT Commuter Happy Hours help demonstrate ease of transit use

 In the last five years, transit use has increased faster than any other mode of transportation, yet many St. Louisans still shy away from it because of the fear of the unknown. To combat this issue, Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) is hosting two “Commuter Happy Hour” events to reinforce the system’s ease of usability … Continued

Streetcar Plans, Not Just in St. Louis

Across the country, cities in the U.S. are putting dollars towards streetcar systems to revitalize their downtown neighborhoods.  These projects are receiving major support, but also some skepticism.  In Caroline Porter’s Wall Street Journal Article, she says, “Proponents say the streetcars would boost economic growth and catch the fancy of younger generations.”  Most of the … Continued

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