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Transit Included in Governor Parson’s Budget Recommendations for 2023

During his State of the State address on January 19, Missouri Gov. Mike Parson released his budget recommendations for Fiscal Year 2023, which included key investments in public transit.   There is still much review that is just getting underway by the House and Senate on the Governor’s Budget recommendations. MoDOT’s request for SFY2023 was $8.7 … Continued

Trajectory for Transit in 2022 Points to Need for Continued Collaboration

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) – the St. Louis region’s transit advocacy organization – hosted a virtual “Talking Transit” event on Wednesday, Jan. 19, via ZOOM. The event provided an update on the trajectory of transit in the St. Louis region for 2022. Those in attendance received updates on various transit projects currently underway, including … Continued

Passenger Service Critical to Missouri’s Bottom Line; Legislature has Opportunity to Ensure Trains Continue to Move Missouri Twice Daily

On January 3, Amtrak cut services between Kansas City and St. Louis by half. Now only one round trip per day is offered, however, the Missouri Legislature has an opportunity to ensure passenger trains stay on track. The State of Missouri maintains the existing Missouri River Runner Amtrak service with state appropriations. An appropriation of $12.5 … Continued

CMT Awarded APTA Coalition Grant  

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) was recently awarded an American Public Transportation Association (APTA) Coalition Grant to help engage the community around the Transit Stop Transformation at the N. Hanley Metrolink Station. CMT will engage with AARP St. Louis, UMSL, and other area stakeholders to set up focus groups, pop-up events, and town hall meetings.  … Continued

RFP for Public Art Released for Belleville Transit Stop Transformation Project

The “Transit Stop Transformation Project” is a collaboration between Citizens for Modern Transit, AARP St. Louis, St. Clair County Transit District and Metro Transit working together to activate the space around the Belleville Metro Transit Center.  This joint-initiative, will convert the transit center area into a fun, artistic space that encourages active play, cultivates community, … Continued

Missouri May Leave Federal Transit Dollars on the Table

The $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provides $91 billion in funding for transit. These dollars could significantly influence Missouri’s ability to provide critical access to jobs, healthcare and education – however there is a catch. Non-federal or local match funds are required. Without it, states will be leaving federal funding on the table. … Continued

ULI Report Reinforcing Need to Improve Grand MetroLink Station Connectivity to Advance Momentum of Nearby Development

The Grand MetroLink Station in Midtown St. Louis is “an island.”  It is disconnected from exciting new developments while transit riders, other pedestrians, and bicyclists have limited options for mobility around the area.  If momentum in innovative development is to be advanced in the surrounding area, the Grand MetroLink Station must offer greater connectivity.  That’s … Continued

Looking to Get Out and Explore: Join CMT as Spring Ten Toe Walk Leader

More than 8,000 area residents have collectively trekked thousands of miles exploring the St. Louis region through more than 1,200 guided tours for more than a decade.  To help meet the demand of this ever-expanding program, CMT is looking for additional volunteer walk leaders for the Spring 2022 Session, which will kick off on Wednesday, April … Continued

Make Riding Transit Your New Year’s Resolution for 2022

One of your New Year’s resolutions in 2022 could be to find a new way to go for work, play, or school. Consider giving MetroLink or MetroBus a try as a part of your resolutions for 2022 to save some green (money and greenhouse gas emissions) and gain a little extra you time as well. … Continued

Chestnut Health in Partnership with the Metro Transit Public Safety Seeking Full-Time Behavioral Health Outreach Workers

Chestnut Health Systems in partnership with Metro Transit Public Safety is seeking candidates for a new, innovative mental health program on transit in Missouri.  The program will mirror a pilot underway in St. Clair County, IL through a partnership with the St. Clair County Transit District.  Individuals would work alongside Metro Transit’s safety and security … Continued

What’s in the Infrastructure Bill for Transit

President Biden signed the $1.2 trillion “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act” (IIJA) into law in November. This legislation reauthorizes federal surface transportation programs through 2026. The measure signed into law on November 15, 2021, was exactly what the Senate had passed in early August. The 5- year reauthorization bill includes $91 billion in transit authorization. … Continued

President Releases EV Charging Action Plan

As a part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Department of Energy (DOE) and Department of Transportation (DOT) will establish a Joint Office of Energy and Transportation. The purpose of the newly established office will be focused on developing, deploying and managing an EV infrastructure network across the United States to ensure the national network … Continued

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