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The places you can go on the Ten Toe!

The Spring Ten Toe Express Session is right around the corner. Registration is underway for the Spring Walking Session that makes residents of St. Louis tourists in their own town. Step out on the CMT Ten Toe Program and visit many different destinations each week using your own ten toes and Metro. Find out just … Continued

2007 analysis of development around Light rail still applicable

In 2007, Cady Scott, now with McCormack Baron Salazar, published a case study analysis on the development around the light rail system as her capstone project at St. Louis University. Many of these lessons learned are still applicable today.    Getting on the Right Track: Realizing the Development Potential of Light Rail.   A case study analysis of development … Continued

Public transit needs its supporters to get on board now!

Please consider taking a moment to contact your Congressman about the current version of the federal transportation bill, H. R. 7, the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act, the House’s proposal for transportation reauthorization. The current version of the bill sets transportation funding back more than 30 years and will directly threaten our local transit projects … Continued

CMT poses transit challenge for GOOD Ideas for Cities

Citizens for Modern Transit in partnership with Lambert-St. Louis International Airport issued a challenge for the upcoming GOOD Ideas for Cities event in St. Louis on March 8. GOOD Ideas for Cities taps creative problem-solvers to tackle real urban challenges and present their solutions at live events across the country. The St. Louis event will be … Continued

Federal Transportation Bill update

According to the AASHTO Journal, The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee voted 29-24 this morning to pass a five-year, $260 billion surface transportation reauthorization bill after a marathon markup session that lasted nearly 18 hours and included consideration of 104 amendments. The House Ways and Means Committee passed the revenue title this morning, and the … Continued

Transit under attack in federal transportation bill – crucial vote tomorrow!

T4America is reporting that House leadership has proposed killing dedicated funding for the Mass Transit Account. No more guarantee of funding each year and no long-term stability for public transportation. States, cities, communities and their transit systems could lose billions. Take just a minute and joinCMT and others from across the country in telling your … Continued

St. Louis needs to engage in transportation discussion

Transportation infrastructure and funding are taking center stage locally and nationally.  The House just released its 5 year, $260 billion reauthorization bill at the federal level. Locally, discussions turn to state support of transit, a possible future station at Cortex and the need to move the next light rail extension forward in the region.  Why should St. Louisans be talking … Continued

CMT to receive WTS Innovative Transportation Solutions Award for 2012

What a great day at CMT! We have just received word that CMT will receive the WTS (Women’s Transportation Seminar) Innovattive  Transportation Solutions Award for 2012 on Feb. 23 at the WTS Annual Meeting for our Advocacy/Awareness Programs.  CMT will be honored for its innovative programs such as its TOD Lecture Series, Ten Toe Express, … Continued

Buzz around possible future Cortex Station

Greg Patterson, Director of Real Estate, discussed potential benefits to the Cortex development if a potential future light  rail station was to come to fruition at the site at the CMT Transit Breakfast on Jan. 27.  Recruiting top people to the region Opportunity to build a good workforce Direct link to the airport Connecting to … Continued

CMT shares economic benefits of transit

What an exciting morning for transit in St. Louis! More than 125 people joined Citizens for Modern Transit for Transit: Enhancing the St. Louis Economy Panel Discussion at the BJC Learning Center.  “Every dollar that is invested in transit has a $4 return for this region. You  may not ride transit for work or play. … Continued

Cella appointed to NAPTA Advisory Board

CMT ‘s Executive Director Kim Cella has been appointed to the National Alliance of Public Transportation Advocates (NAPTA) Advisory Board.  NAPTA (National Alliance of Public Transportation Advocates) is a national organization representing more than 3800 grassroots transit coalitions, individuals and organizations that support increasing investment in public transportation. Objectives include: To create a diverse, committed, and visible … Continued

Only a few days left to vote for TRANSIT/CMT to GROW St. Louis!

There are only 4 days lefts to vote for CMT and its Ten Toe Program in the Monsanto Grow St. Louis Contest.  In this economic time, it takes more and more effort to find ways to fund programs for not-for-profits like Citizens for Modern Transit.  The Ten Toe Express Program, a hugely successful transit/walking program  … Continued

CMT hires Community Engagement Director

Citizens for Modern Transit has hired Jessica Niemeyer as the new Community Engagement Director of the organization as of Feb. 1, 2012. A Saint Louis University graduate, Jessica has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.  Jessica has worked with CMT for more than one year in an internship role.   She has managed the Ten Toe … Continued

Transportation Day at the Capitol is Wednesday 2/1/12!

Don’t forget Transportation Day at the Capitol is this coming Wednesday, February 1, 2012.  CMT will be joining organizations from across the state in Jefferson City to let legislators know that transit is a top priority for CMT, the region, and the state.  Join us! We are asking CMT members and friends to join us … Continued

Last Day to Register for Transit Breakfast

Today is the last day to register for CMT’s Transit: Enhancing the St. Louis Economy Breakfast. With over 100 people registered already this even promises to be a great transit/economic development networking event. Citizens for Modern Transit has put together a panel of experts who will discuss the economics of transit and the benefits for … Continued

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