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Help Your Employees with Transit with CMT’s Try & Ride

With more than  200 local drivers trying transit for the first time, now is a great time for local employers to encourage employees to try transit too.  CMT often hears about parking restrictions, parking costs, and the countless other hassles of driving to work every day.  In an attempt to help encourage commuters to try transit, … Continued

Why Yes on 7?

Amendment 7 is the only proposition before us now to provide additional resources for public transit.  Currently, Missouri ranks near the bottom of the list nationally with regards to state funding for transit.  Last year , Metro received less than $400,000 in state funds for the operation of a $250 million plus budget.  Citizens for Modern Transit endorses … Continued


Today, Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) announced its support for Amendment 7, a three-fourths of one percent increase in Missouri’s sales tax dedicated to the improvement of priority transportation projects in Missouri. “Passage of HJR 68 to move Amendment 7 to the ballot this August was a monumental task in and of itself,” said Kim … Continued

Take Metro To Fair St. Louis

In light of the construction at the Arch Grounds, Fair St. Louis will be held in this is a great opportunity to give transit a try.  Metro is even stepping up service operations to accommodate fair goers. There will be additional MetroLink service on Thursday, July 3; Friday, July 4 and Saturday, July 5.  MetroLink … Continued

CMT & the St. Louis Green Business Challenge Focus on CarSharing in St. Louis

CMT and the St. Louis Green Business Challenge presented a panel discussion on the ins and outs of CarSharing in St. Louis on Tuesday, June 24, 2014. Jean Ponzi of the St. Louis Green Business Challenge and Missouri Botanical Gardens introduced the Green Business Challenge and the benefits to companies for participating.  She highlighted that … Continued

Metro fare increase set for July 1

A Metro transit fare increase approved last month by the Bi-State Development Agency Board of Commissioners will go into effect on July 1. The cost of a MetroLink one-ride trip, as well as the weekly, monthly, and university semester passes will change. The cost of the one-ride MetroLink fare will increase from $2.25 to $2.50, … Continued

Sponsor CMT’s 30th Annual Meeting!

Citizens for Modern Transit 30th Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony Sold Out! Please reserve September 12, 2014 for the Citizens for Modern Transit’s 30th Annual Meeting.  This event will mark the kick-off of CMT’s 30th year celebrations.  The organization is more committed than ever to ensure St. Louis will continue developing our award winning transit … Continued

CMT releases RFP for public relations consultant

CMT is seeking a Public Relations consultant for a one and half year period which will be responsible for planning, executing and promoting these events and messaging items in partnership with the Citizens for Modern Transit staff. Work products will include press releases, website updates, execution of events, and outreach programs on the following topics … Continued

CMT releases RFP for Graphic Design

CMT is seeking a Graphic Design consultant to develop a new logo/brand for Citizens for Modern Transit. This logo/design will be released as a part of CMT’s 30th Annivesary year-long celebration of events. Work products will include: New Logo with standards New Stationery design New tagline Logo file in several layouts and file types CMT … Continued

East West Gateway to Hold a 4 Part Speaker Series on Transportation

As a part of the long range transportation plan for the St. Louis region, East West Gateway is holding a 4 part speaker series called Connected 2045.  It will be a regional conversation about the future of transportation in St. Louis and will take place at the Missouri History Museum.  We hope you’ll join CMT … Continued

Dump the Pump with CMT’s Try & Ride – What a Great RIDEA!

National Dump the Pump Day encourages people to ride public transportation (instead of driving) and save money. What a great idea! Riding public transit is an economical way to save money, particularly when gas prices are high. The latest American Public Transit Association’s  Transit Savings Report shows that a two person household that downsizes to one … Continued

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