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Rail-Volution 2013 Set for October 20-23 in Seattle, Washington

Rail-Volution is an annual conference where transit supporters and advocates from across the country get together to generate meaningful discussions on how we can use transit to create communities that are healthy, equitable, economically strong, and sustainable. The conference is hosted in a different city each year and this fall, Seattle, Washington will host Rail-Volution … Continued

Reminder: St. Louis Streetcar Open House TONIGHT 4-7pm

If you’re interested in finding out about the potential for modern streetcars in St. Louis and the results of the Streetcar Feasibility Study, please attend the Open House event this evening from 4-7 pm at the Moto Museum – 3441 Olive Street. Quick Facts on the St. Louis Streetcar: Reason for Feasibility Study: This project … Continued

New opportunities, challenges for transit funding under MAP-21

Last summer the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) bill was passed into law, changing the way that transportation infrastructure is funded, as well as the role of the federal funding in local public transit projects. For fiscal year 2013, $10.6 billion has been authorized for federal transit assistance. One way for … Continued

Bold ideas of TAPS leading to big results for CMT and Metro

CMT & Metro’s partnership on the three Urban Land Institute Technical Assistance Panels (TAPs) were the topic of discussion today at the  American Planning Association St. Louis Chapter’s regular meeting.  As we prepared information for the presentation, it came to my attention that the bold ideas that have been generated for each of the three … Continued

What makes transit-oriented development successful?

Transit-oriented development (TOD) is an ideal approach to community development for a number of reasons that are economic, social, and environmental in nature. But is TOD ideal for every community? A recent study by the Center for Transit-Oriented Development (CTOD) has mapped out a formula for determining the likelihood of success for TOD in individual communities. Five … Continued

CMT Economics of Building Around Light Rail draws crowd

More than 100 CMT members and friends turned out to hear Dena Belzer, national TOD expert and President of Strategic Economics, last week in St. Louis for the Economics of Building Around Light Rail. Ms. Belzer highlighted economic benefits of building around light rail as well as what happens in communities that do not thoroughly think through their … Continued

Center for Transit-Oriented Development Releases Report for Pittsburgh, PA

A new report recently released by the Center for Transit-Oriented Development (CTOD) offers strategies for the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to tap into its TOD potential. The report focuses on three areas of investment – infrastructure, new development, and building the capacity of community groups. Stations with the best potential for TOD have been identified … Continued

Will one-cent transportation tax include transit?

Senator Mike Kehoe, R- Jefferson City and chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, held a press conference today to announce his efforts to push for a one-cent sales tax for transportation in Missouri. So the big question is does “transportation” include public transit as a part of the funding package? Inquiring minds want to know. According … Continued

Transit Lessons Learned from The Portland Streetcar

With the recent re-emergence of streetcars as a public transit option in cities across the United States, the city of Portland, Oregon is often held  up as the poster child for this new transportation trend. Other cities looking to fund and build their own streetcar lines have a lot to learn from the Portland Streetcar. … Continued

Aventura Apartments to Open Near MetroLink This Summer

Set to open this summer, Aventura Apartments is a luxury residential development in the Forest Park Southeast neighborhood, located at 4431 Chouteau, between Taylor and Newstead. The central location is close to the Central West End, The Grove, Forest Park, and the ever expanding medical campus. Another perk is its proximity to transit – just … Continued

St. Louis MetroLink TOD Market Study

East West Gateway Council of Governments has put forth a study on Transit Oriented Development as it relates to St. Louis MetroLink.  This study outlines that while MetroLink’s 37 stations provide great connections for the region, the stations themselves don’t provide much opportunity to live and work near transit, while using it as the “primary … Continued

“Transit-Oriented Development in the States” Report

This new report from the National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL) takes a look at state legislative action to define Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), plan for and fund TOD projects, “provide ‘last-mile’ transportation solutions to get to and from a transit stop, and a number of other states’ strategies to encourage TOD.” The NCSL is a … Continued

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