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Senate debating transportation bill right now, Make a call for transit!

Last night, the Senate came to an agreement that they would begin debating the MAP-21 Transportation Bill and start voting on amendments.   A total of 30 amendments will be considered by the Senate, with no possible way for others to be offered or debated, per the agreement.  More than 200 amendments were originally submitted – many … Continued

1st Round Community Planning Area Public Meetings Starts Next Week!

Next week kicks off the first round of public meetings in our Community Planning Areas! Ferguson & Environs – March 14th Mid-Metro 5 – March 15 Northeast St. Louis County – March 20 Riverbend Planning Area – March 27 Wentzville-Lake St. Louis-O’Fallon – March 29 Tri City – April 3 Lemay – April 4 Belleville-Swansea … Continued

Winner! CMT Best Transit Pic Contest-February

For the eighth month in a row, CMT has hosted the The Citizens for Modern Best Transit Pic Contest. The winner receives a free month-long Metro pass. This month’s winner was selected by CMT’s Community Engagement Director: Jessica Niemeyer.   This month’s photo, highlights the underground platform areas found in downtown St. Louis, specifically the … Continued

STL ridership on the rise as federal transportation bill remains uncertain

Metro’s ridership continues to rise across the board as federal funding for public transit remains uncertain.  Metro ridership is up for the first six months of Fiscal Year 2012 (July 2011-December 2011). System-wide, ridership on MetroLink, MetroBus, and Metro Call-A-Ride increased eight percent over the same period in the previous year. Metro recorded 23,371,166 boardings … Continued

Governor Jay Nixon Nomination for Bi-State Board

The Governor has nominated Aliah Holman, of St. Louis, to the Bi-State Development Agency of Missouri-Illinois Metropolitan District. The Bi-State Development Agency Board of Commissioners provides policy direction for the Bi-State Development Agency, which was created in 1949 through a compact between Missouri and Illinois. Holman is the senior marketing manager for Express Scripts in … Continued

February Transit Picture Contest

Only a few days left to submit a picture for our monthly transit picture contest! We will be picking a winner Friday afternoon, so submit on our Facebook  page, via Twitter, or email to before noon for a chance to win a monthly Metro pass!

Latest news from CMT on transit

Don’t miss CMT’s weekly eblast. Today’s headlines include WTS Award event on Feb. 23, Ten Toe Spring Registration Events, Federal transportation bill, and much more.  February 22, 2012 Eblast

CMT steps into new areas in IL on Ten Toe Express

Series of Upcoming Registration Opportunities Set for February and March Citizens for Modern Transit’s (CMT) successful Ten Toe Express program is going strong with more than 7,000 active participants, many over the age of 60, who have learned how easy it is to utilize the region’s public transit offerings and their own ten toes  to … Continued

TOD Efforts in Downtown Mesa, Arizona

This March, the city of Mesa, Arizona will host a summit for 171 developers, economic development specialists, the Mesa Chamber of Commerce, elected officials, property owners and others in the area in an effort to focus on new urban development projects in the downtown area, around their future Metro light rail line. Their focus will … Continued

Amendment potentially adds funding back for transit for HR7

Discussions continue on Capitol Hill on funding for the transportation bill.  Today, the Senate Transportation bill is up for a vote.   In addition this week, Congressman Nadler (D-NY), a member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, offered a bipartisan amendment designed to restore transit funding to H.R. 7, the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act. … Continued

Boehner pushes back consideration of transportation bill

Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, has decided to complete consideration of the House version of the surface transportation authorization (HR 7) after next week’s congressional recess. The decision was made one day after House Republican leaders announced they were splitting the bill into three parts in a bid to overcome intense opposition to some … Continued

Chance to get involved in community discussions for HUD Grant

The HUD Regional Planning & Sustainable Development Grant that was awarded to the St. Louis is underway.  The goal of this effort is to envision a better future for St. Louis region that is sustainable,  equitable, and livable. The first round of community meetings has been set. As a consortium partner on this grant, CMT can … Continued

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