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CMT to host luncheon featuring National Transit Oriented Development Expert

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) announced plans to host a luncheon titled “Let’s Build Around Light Rail,” featuring national Transit Oriented Development expert Katherine Perez. Set for Tuesday, May 8 at noon at the Forest Park Visitors Center, the event will provide a great opportunity for local leaders, businesses, non-profits and citizens to hear why … Continued

Vote TRANSIT as a key way to GROW STL!

The third round of the GROW STL Contest opens today! I know many of you have a definite opinion about Monsanto one way or another, but as a non- profit we have to continually look for new ways to raise money in this economy. I hope you will consider that when making a decision to … Continued

MoDOT releases Draft of Missouri State Rail Plan

MoDOT has completed and posted a draft of the Missouri State Rail Plan to their website!  They will be seeking public comments on the draft at meetings in April.  The draft plan and meeting schedule is available at  (When you get to this web page, click on the State Rail Plan logo on the left.)  … Continued

House approves 90 day extension to the transportation bill

The House of Representatives approved a 90-day extension to the federal transportation bill which provides federal funding for road, bridge and mass transit projects. The bill was set to expire on March 31, 2012. This is the 9th extension to this bill.    The extension will run through June 30 at which time if a new … Continued

Winner! CMT Best Transit Pic Contest Winner-March

For the ninth month in a row, CMT has hosted the The Citizens for Modern Best Transit Pic Contest. The winner receives a free month-long Metro pass.   This month’s photo, highlights the rare find of a rainbow gracing the Shrewsbury MetroLink Station. …And the winner is Michael Brickey View all of the contest entries … Continued

Metro to look at fare increase for July

Metro’s Board of Commissioners will be looking at the possibility of raising fares this coming summer in accordance with their long range plan that requires 5 percent fare increases every other year. The purpose is to keep pace with inflation however Metro has not raised fares since January 1, 2009. “Metro has held its fares … Continued

Metro Mobile Market Kicks Off

  On Tuesday, March 20, the first Mobile Market kicked off at the Delmar MetroLink Station.  Metro has partnered with Sappington Farmers’ Market to bring healthy foods to areas of St. Louis where these commodities are harder to come by.  The Mobile Market will be at four transit centers through the end of October.  The … Continued

Loop Trolley holds informational update meetings

The Loop Trolley project continues to move forward in The Loop.  For the last few months, the Technical Design Team Consultants have been busy working on final design of the projects. Status updates meetings are underway. The next meeting is scheduled for March 26.  Participants will have the opportunity to view conceptual designs and learn … Continued

79 on 1 Line Presentation for the TRANSIT challenge from GOOD IDEAS

STL Alley Lovers took on the challenge presented by Kim Cella, CMT Executive Director, and Rhonda Hamm-Niebruegge, director of LAmbert- St. Louis International Airport, for the GOOD IDeas for Cities event in St. Louis.  Show us how to increase ridership on our world class transit system. An infrastrucuture  system that this region has invested millions of … Continued

Let’s Build Around Light Rail May 8 Luncheon

Join CMT as we kick off our Make Your Move on Metro in May events with the upcoming Let’s Build Around Light Rail Luncheon featuring Katherine Perez, national Transit Oriented Development expert, on May 8, 2012. This will be a great opportunity for local leaders, businesses, non-profits and citizens to hear how public, private and … Continued

What’s included in MAP-21 – the Senate transportation bill?

On March 14,  theSenate passed S.1813, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) – the Senate’s two-year, $109 billion surface transportation authorization by a vote of 74 – 22. According to the American Public Transit Assocation, here are some key amendments to the bill: The amendment includes a change to the … Continued

Where does Missouri funding for transit stand?

The Missouri General Assembly is on spring break this week, but the question is where does funding for transit stand with a month and a half to go in this legislative session. The FY12 supplemental budget has passed the House and Senate Appropriations Committee. Transit operation assistance funds remain at $560,875 for the statewide distribution.  This … Continued

Senate passes transportation bill with bi-partisan support

The Senate passed a two-year, $109 billion bipartisan transportation bill in a 74-22 vote today.   According to Majority Leader Harry Reid, the Senate bill, cosponsored by Sens. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), would help fix 70,000 failing bridges and save or create 2.8 million jobs. The bill keeps federal public transportation funding level while … Continued

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