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How are you dumping the pump in June?

On June 21, 2012, transportation systems across the country including Metro will celebrate Dump the Pump Day! In these tough economic times with high gas prices, everyone is looking for a way to save money. National Dump the Pump Day encourages people to ride public transportation (instead of driving) and save money. Let us know … Continued


CMT in partnership with Metro charged a group of local experts from the ULI St. Louis Chapter called a Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) to look at the possibilities for  development at the UMSL South Station. This is the second TAP that CMT and Metro have commissioned – the first at the Belleville MetroLink Station. Thanks to … Continued

County Council looking at Metro’s annual appropriation

The St. Louis County Council is currently looking at Metro’s annual appropropriation collected from mass transit sales taxes that County residents supported .  The County’s appropriations makes up more than 40 percent of Metro’s FY12 budget.  As supporters of public transit, we are asking CMT members and friends to contact your representative on the Council … Continued

Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation has 4 public hearings remaining

Missouri House Speaker Steve Tilley formed a Blue Ribbon Citizens Committe on Missouri’s Transportation needs this past Spring which has four meetings left.  The committee is being chaired by Rod Jetton and Bill McKenna, and they will be looking at total transportation needs in the state. It is imperative that supporters of public transit voice their … Continued

Way to go Metro! record ridership, top honors – STL transit is on the move!

Way to Go Metro! Following a great month of transit promotions for CMT’s Make your Move on Metro which garnered significant local media coverage, Metro charges in to June with record bus ridership numbers for the first quarter of 2012 (highest percentage increase nationally), significant increases in light rail ridership, and now TOP HONORS at … Continued

Meeting dates announced for Round 2 of Regional Plan for Sustainable Development

A vital component of the Regional Plan for Sustainable Development, the HUD Grant funded project in the St. Lousi region,  is the focus on sub-regional analysis. By examining closely the housing, transportation, environmental and economic needs of selected Community Planning Areas (CPAs), we hope to draw lessons and to highlight best practices that can be … Continued

CMT’s Inaugural Clayton-Richmond Heights Patch Post

Citizens for Modern Transit has made its debut in the Clayton-Richmond Heights Patch Newsletter after a busy month of promotional events during Make Your Move on Metro in May.  CMT is honored to be included in this publication and looks forward to many more posts!

Downtown Trolley expands service to Sundays

The #99 Downtown Trolley will be expanding service to Sundays beginning the week of June 12.  The current service will be modified to 12 minute headways during the week to accomodate Sunday service.   Saturday and Sunday service will operate on 16 minute headways. The Downtown Trolley provides service fromthe Civic Center Station and Transfer Center … Continued

Streetcar headed to downtown St. Louis?

 Is a modern streetcar system headed to Downtown St. Louis? The Partnership for Downtown St. Louis (Partnership) released a Request for Qualifications today for a streetcar feasibility study for connecting the areas of Downtown, Midtown, Central West End, and Skinker-DeBaliviere in the City of St. Louis. The feasibility study will include the process of planning, … Continued

Help CMT by Signing Up for the Patch e-Newsletter

Help out Citizens for Modern Transit by signing up (for free) to receive your local Patch e-Newsletter!  It really is that simple.  Just follow this link, scroll to the top of the page, enter your email address, specific Patch Newsletter location, and type “Citizens for Modern Transit.”    Once a nonprofit has been mentioned by … Continued

Workforce housing should be a component of TOD

 Todd Swanstrom, Des Lee Professor of Community Collaboration and Public Policy Administration, UMSL, recently released on Op-Ed piece for Community Builders Exchange newsletter discussing the benefits of including workforce housing in any development around light rail. According to Swanstrom, “What makes TOD so attractive is that it satisfies the triple bottom line, or what is … Continued

Contractor opportunities available on IL high speed rail project

Construction is underway on the high speed rail extension between Chicago and St. Louis.  IDOT and Union Pacific are about to open the TIER 2 Bid Package for contractors.  Business opportunities with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) go through a bidding process. The bidding process for both organizations … Continued

Winner! CMT Best Transit Pic Contest Winner-May

For the eleventh month, CMT has hosted the The Citizens for Modern Best Transit Pic Contest. The winner receives a free month-long Metro pass.   In light of our Make Your Move on Metro in May prom0tions, we asked our followers to incorporate how people are making their own move on Metro on a daily … Continued

Transportation Improvement Program Public Meetings in June

East West Gateway has announced the following: The draft FY 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program will be released for public comment on June 4, 2012. Subsequently, several public meetings will be held in June to receive public comment on the draft program of projects.  Below is a list of public meeting times and dates. The open … Continued

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