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High-speed Rail Hubs Attracting Development to Urban Centers

High-speed rail (HSR) has long been touted as a tool of economic development in addition to its primary function of improving connectivity and ease of travel. It now seems that high-speed rail also has the potential to contribute to the nation’s urban revitalization trends. Because HSR and other rail hubs are often located in urban … Continued

Congratulations to December Transit Pic Contest Winner!

For over a year, CMT has hosted the The Citizens for Modern Best Transit Pic Contest.  The winner receives a free month-long Metro pass.  This month’s photo, chosen by CMT’s own intern, Melissa Theiss, provides a unique perspective to truly show what is old is also new at the 8th & Pine MetroLink Station. …And … Continued

China Embarks on Longest High Speed Rail Line

This past Wednesday, China initiated service on “the world’s longest high-speed rail line,” which runs between Beijing and Guangzhou (approximately the distance between New York and Key West, FL).  This now eight hour trip, will move passengers at 300 km, or 186 mph, compared to older trains still in use which take 21 hours for … Continued

Sound Transit’s TOD Policy Adoption

Seattle’s Sound Transit has developed a transit oriented development policy to increase ridership “by promoting ‘positive land use and development’ within walking distance of transit facilities.” The new policy will motivate future efforts to support TOD endeavors for the Sound Transit’s own properties as well as surrounding regions, “recognizing that both types of opportunities involve … Continued

$1.2 Billion in Real Estate Development Drawn to Twin Cities

The Central Corridor light rail line of the Twin Cities has attracted over $1.2 billion in development.  This development is even more poignant because it occurred before the light rail line has even begun carrying passengers (2014). “Eighteen residential and commercial/retail developments worth more than $275 million began construction or entered the planning stage in … Continued

“Midsize Cities on the Move” Presentation

Reconnecting America has released a presentation entitled, “Midsize Cities on the Move,” in which projects concerning Rapid Bus, Bus Rapid Transit, and Streetcar projects happening in the coming years in the U.S. are looked at in greater detail.  The presentation starts by identifying what exactly defines a “midsize city,” lends to the planning and implementation … Continued

Pay-Per-Mile Auto Insurance not a new idea but maybe a timely one

Pay-per-mile or Pay-as-you-drive (PAYD) auto insurance plans are a less expensive alternative to traditional auto insurance that is gaining popularity, especially among transit users. Traditional auto insurance premiums are based on a variety of risk factors, but do not typically take into account the mileage that the vehicle is driven. PAYD programs offer full-coverage insurance … Continued

CMT releases RFP for creation and adoption of Form Based Codes

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) is pleased to distribute this Request for Proposals (RFP) for the creation and adoption of Form Based Zoning Codes (Code) for the Rock Road MetroLink Station (Rock Road) and Grand Avenue MetroLink Station (Grand) areas. CMT is the awardee of a Missouri Foundation for Health (MFH) grant which will fund … Continued

TOD Survey Results

Earlier this week, CMT posed a question to the public on our website: What would you like to see around MetroLink in the St. Louis and surrounding Illinois region?  Answer options included: retail, residential, recreation,office space, vegetation, hospitality, healthcare and an opportunity to provide options of your own. Overwhelmingly, the majority of poll respondents noted … Continued

Consider contacting Governor Nixon about transit before 2012 session begins

The 2013 legislative session is right around the corner.  We are asking that as a member of CMT you consider sending a letter to Governor Nixon office asking for inclusion of transit funding in his budget for 2013.  The draft letter below asks for his support of MoDOT’s request for approximately $5.5 million for transit. Last … Continued

12th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth

The weekend of February 7-9, 2013, the 12th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth conference will take place in Kansas City, MO.  This conference will explore strategies for pinpointing and finding solutions to barriers to sustainable development  in the Midwest and the entire nation. “Home to industrial giants, thriving small businesses and a rich history … Continued

St. Louis Regional Sustainable Communities Meetings Scheduled for Early 2013

The Regional Plan for Sustainable Development (RPSD) is a planning process designed to involve citizens in promoting housing, transportation, and economic development in their communities.  The program, funded by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), will take place over the course of 3 years, with a series of community meetings scheduled for … Continued

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