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SCCTD’s Vision Shaping Reality

Letter to the Editor, Belleville News Democrat, May 9, 2023 The St. Clair County Transit District’s (SCCTD) 2020 Transit Vision continues to shape reality. We are delivering on our promise to provide interconnectivity throughout St. Clair County so area resident can get where they need to go by way of a safe, accessible, multi-model public … Continued

Transit Sees Win in Missouri Budget Bill 

  As the Missouri Legislature wraps the budget bills today, transit is seeing a win with an increase in funding over prior year. HB 4 which has been approved includes an additional $3 million for a total of $10 million in General Revenue plus $1.7 million from the State Transportation Fund for transit, a 34 … Continued

CMT seeking Intern to Join the Team

  Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) is seeking an intern for the Fall 2023 semester starting in late August/early September. CMT offers paid internship positions every spring, summer and fall, allowing students and recent graduates the opportunity to work closely with our team and gain insight into the public transit arena in addition to nonprofit … Continued

Metal Detector Pilot Program Coming to MetroLink

Bi-State Development announced today it is launching a pilot program with metal detectors at select MetroLink stations in the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County in Missouri and St. Clair County in Illinois. Transit riders will walk through metal detectors to gain access to MetroLink platforms. The mobile metal detectors will be rotated … Continued

Importance of Public Transit Access to Equitable Access to Health Care

  A recent report by the Urban Institute finds that more than one in five adults with limited access to public transit skip healthcare visits because of transportation barriers, which can negatively impact long-term health.  Similarly, research shows that the expansion of a public transit system, such as the development of a new light rail … Continued

CMT Ten Toe Express Walk Leaders Needed

More than 8,000 area residents have collectively trekked thousands of miles exploring the St. Louis region through more than 1,000 guided tours utilizing their own ten toes and Metro Transit.  Currently, there are more than 300 returning older adults each session that participate in several different CMT Ten Toe Express Walking Groups along with new … Continued

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