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MetroLink TOD Update: Quarter 1, 2012

Metro’s Most Recent TOD Update MetroLink Transit Oriented Development Update, Quarter 1, 2012: This presentation details Average Weekly Boarding, Total Metro-owned Acreage, and Total Parking at each MetroLink Station across the region for Quarter 1, 2012.

Transit – a great way to “Grow St. Louis”

In this economic time, it takes more and more effort to find ways to fund programs for not-for-profits like Citizens for Modern Transit.  When Monsanto’s Grow St. Louis contest was introduced last fall, we thought it would be a great idea to enter our Ten Toe Express Program, a hugely successful transit/walking program  targeted at … Continued

WeCar Doubles Usage & Adds Civic Hybrids

Today we had our quarterly meeting with the St. Louis WeCar representative. Nothing but good news to report for this ever-growing program.  The program 300+ members have doubled usage over the last year.  Washington University has 10 WeCars on their campus, and subsidizes the hourly rate so that it’s only $5 per hour for students.  … Continued

Missouri HB 1117 Read for 2nd Time

Missouri House Bill 1117 – Missouri and Midwest High-Speed Rail Commission Act was read for the second time this legislative session. The bill is sponsored by Representative Michael Brown (Democrat, District 50) of the Kansas City area. “This bill establishes the Missouri and Midwest High-Speed Rail Commission Act and the Missouri and Midwest High-Speed Rail … Continued

TOD Community Assessment Tool Survey

As part CMT’s 1-year Missouri Foundation Health (MFH) Healthy & Active Community Local Policy Change grant we are focusing on TOD policy development and adoption in seven communities along the MetroLink alignment. We hope creating and adopting TOD policies will drive development of compact walkable communities around transit stations making it possible to live healthier … Continued

New Employee Metro Pass Program at UMSL

On December 23, UMSL began a “trial” Faculty/Staff discounted Metro Pass program.  Employees of UMSL can now purchase a semester long (Jan – May) Metro transit pass for $55.00. This represents a significant cost savings over Metro’s standard monthly pass which costs $68.00 (savings of $285).  With this pass employees have unlimited access to Metrobus … Continued

Ask Governor Nixon for his support of funding for transit

MoDOT is requesting $2.5 million from state general revenue this year for transit operations in addition to the core funding of $560,875 from the State Transportation Fund. If this appropriation is approved, it would restore funding to the FY10 levels for transit – which is nowhere near where we need to be but in the … Continued

Retrofitting the Region for Economic Success – St. Louis

On September 23, 2011 Citizens for Modern Transit hosted our 27th Annual Meeting.  This year’s meeting featured guest speaker Scott Bernstein, President and CEO of the Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT).  Mr. Bernstein presented “Retrofitting the Region for Economic Success – St. Louis” a fact-filled presentation that detailed commuting patterns, housing and transportation costs, and … Continued

Cella elected to Missouri Public Transit Association Board

CMT Executive Director Kim Cella has been elected to the Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) Board of Directors.  The Missouri Public Transit Association was established to represent the interests, policies, requirements and purposes of public transit in Missouri including promoting research and investigations toward improving public transit in the state.  MPTA keeps a close eye on … Continued

Volunteer as a Ten Toe Express Walk Leader

Soon the Ten Toe Express Spring 2012 session will begin. In preparation for the April start date, we are seeking volunteers to help lead walks during the upcoming session. The spring session is 12 weeks long, and walk leaders can pick the day of the week that works best for them. We will be hosting … Continued

Ninth Annual WTS Scholarship and Awards Dinner

Citizens for Modern Transit supporter, Women Transportation Seminar (WTS) will host the Ninth Annual WTS Scholarship and Awards Dinner will be held on Thursday, February 23, 2012 from 5pm to 9pm at the Engineers Club of St. Louis. Please mark your calendars and consider attending a fun evening of awards and fellowship. For more information … Continued

New Poll Finds 77 Percent of Americans Oppose Raising the Gas Tax

The Reason Foundation conducted Reason-Rupe public opinion telephone survey of 1,200 adults nationwide and asked them about a range of transportation issues. The results, highlighted below, have a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. This survey is part of a series of Reason-Rupe public opinion surveys dedicated to exploring what Americans … Continued

Transportation Day is right around the corner – Join us!

Transportation Day 2012 is set for February 1, 2012 in Jefferson City.  I hope you will consider joining us in our efforts by attending this day of meetings with key legislators at the state Capitol.   We have heard from legislators that they do no think transit is a priority for people in Missouri because they are not … Continued

Winner! CMT Best Transit Pic Contest – December

All this month CMT has hosted The Citizens for Modern Best Transit Pic Contest, a contest where we ask you to snap transit-related photos on your MetroLink and MetroBus trips. The winner receives a free month-long Metro pass. This month’s winner was selected by CMT Executive Director: Kim Cella. There were several pictures of Metro’s … Continued

Kindle Fire Winner Announced

We had an overwhelming response to our Transit Commuter Survery.  Over 1000 of you filled out the survey helping us better understand commuter perceptions of transit in St. Louis, types of messaging that helps increase ridership, and how we can better market the transit system in the St. Louis region. As a token of our … Continued

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