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Will one-cent transportation tax include transit?

Senator Mike Kehoe, R- Jefferson City and chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, held a press conference today to announce his efforts to push for a one-cent sales tax for transportation in Missouri. So the big question is does “transportation” include public transit as a part of the funding package? Inquiring minds want to know. According … Continued

Special Metro Service for Mardi Gras on February 9

Take Metro to Mardi Gras this year and avoid the hassle of traffic and parking in Soulard! In order to accommodate those attending this year’s Mardi Gras celebrations in Soulard, Metro is offering special MetroLink service, shuttles, and passes. Extra trains, running every 7.5 minutes, will service MetroLink stations between Forest Park-DeBaliviere and Fairview Heights starting … Continued

Transit Lessons Learned from The Portland Streetcar

With the recent re-emergence of streetcars as a public transit option in cities across the United States, the city of Portland, Oregon is often held  up as the poster child for this new transportation trend. Other cities looking to fund and build their own streetcar lines have a lot to learn from the Portland Streetcar. … Continued

Ridership Grows on Amtrak’s Missouri River Runner

Ridership on Amtrak’s Missouri River Runner route is up 4 percent in the second quarter of fiscal year 2013, which is roughly 2,000 passengers more than the same time period the previous year. Increases in ridership are likely due to mild weather, holidays, and improved service, including on-time performance of trains, according to the Missouri … Continued

Missouri Senator announces proposal for 1 cent sales tax for transportation

The Missouri Chamber of Commerce held their annual transportation conference yesterday in Jefferson City.  Senate and House transportation committee chairs, Senator Mike Kehoe, R- Jefferson City, and Representative Dave Schatz, R- Sullivan, were given an opportunity to discuss the highly anticipated transportation package, which according to Senator Kehoe, will be filed in the next ten days.  … Continued

CMT elects new member to Board of Directors

The Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) Board of Directors unanimously elected Mary Lamie, EFK Moen, to a three year term on the board at the January 23 CMT Board Meeting. Ms. Lamie is responsible for project management and business development for EFK Moen, LLC in Illinois. Her engineering and project management experience includes a wide … Continued

Aventura Apartments to Open Near MetroLink This Summer

Set to open this summer, Aventura Apartments is a luxury residential development in the Forest Park Southeast neighborhood, located at 4431 Chouteau, between Taylor and Newstead. The central location is close to the Central West End, The Grove, Forest Park, and the ever expanding medical campus. Another perk is its proximity to transit – just … Continued

Vote for “Waiting on a Bus” by Elizabeth Simons

Live Well Ferguson’s Program Manager, Elizabeth Simons, has submitted a project which has been dubbed a finalist in the GOOD Maker Challenge.  In order to work with the GOOD team in Los Angeles to launch her project, she needs to obtain the most votes among the other contestants.  Elizabeth’s project, Waiting on a Bus: Stories … Continued

Sponsorship opportunties available for the GREAT RACE II

Happy New Year!  Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) is kicking into high planning gear for the Great Race II to spark some friendly competition between alternative transportation modes in St. Louis on May 23, 2013. Designed to play off the CBS television hit, The Amazing Race, the event will place TEAM TRANSIT, TEAM BIKE and … Continued

St. Louis MetroLink TOD Market Study

East West Gateway Council of Governments has put forth a study on Transit Oriented Development as it relates to St. Louis MetroLink.  This study outlines that while MetroLink’s 37 stations provide great connections for the region, the stations themselves don’t provide much opportunity to live and work near transit, while using it as the “primary … Continued

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