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Could Transit Be a Catalyst for Community Building in St. Louis?

Every region of the United States faces community revitalization challenges.  Many readers of the Community Builders Exchange lead these efforts in St. Louis.  As someone interested in your work, I often think about how infrastructure influences the health and well-being of the underserved in our region.  How can a community use what it has to … Continued

Amtrak Offering 31% off Companion Fares This October

With Amtrak breaking ridership records 10 times out of the last 11 years, Amtrak extends a special thanks to its riders by discounting companion fares 31%.  The 31% discount reflects the 31.6 million passengers that rode the the rail network in Fiscal Year 2013. Amtrak will also feature different #AmtrakStories portraits and passenger stories on … Continued

Final phase of upgrades for higher speed trains between STL and CHI

The Illinois Department of Transportation and Union Pacific Railroad are performing the last of three phases of 2013 upgrades to Illinois’ signature high-speed route, Chicago-St. Louis, for future 110 mph operation of Amtrak Lincoln Service trains. The construction work includes the installation of new premium rail with concrete ties and stone ballast; upgrades to bridges, … Continued

CMT & SCCTD to host a Commuter Happy Hour in Belleville on Oct. 17

 Events Aimed at Reinforcing the Ease of Usability and Benefits of Taking Transit  In recent years, transit use has increased faster than any other mode of transportation, yet many St. Louisans still shy away from it because of the fear of the unknown. To combat this issue, Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) and the St. … Continued

SLDC Annual Report highlights developments near MetroLink

The 2013 St. Louis Development Corporation Annual Report was released last week in the St. Louis Business Journal.  One of the most interesting highlights of the report was the fact that every development project highlighted is either within walking distance of MetroLink or has high hopes of attracting a station to their site.  CityArchRiver, SLU  … Continued

Tony Transit is back for CMT Commuter Happy Hour on Oct. 17

Tony Patrico from 105.7 the Point will be riding the Metrolink on the Illinois routes Thursday afternoon, Oct. 17 as a part of CMT’s activities for the upcoming Commuter Happy Hour sponsored by the St. Clair County Transit District.     Spot Patrico and you could win a $50.00 visa gift card. Then join Tony for the … Continued

Transportation Funding: How is the Highway Trust Fund funded?

With discussions happening on the local, state and federal level with regards to funding of transportation/public transit infrastructure – one question continues to pop up – what’s happening to the funding for transportation?  The gas tax, currently paid at the pump by car drivers, has paid for road and transit projects since the 1930’s. However, Americans … Continued

Who Pays for It?– A Panel Discussion About Financing Development Around Transit

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) will host Who Pays for It – A Panel Discussion About Financing Development Around Transit, on Wednesday, November 6, 2013, featuring: Andrew Geer, VP & Market Leader, Enterprise Community Partner’s Chicago Office Astrid Glynn, Principal, Transportation Planning and Resource Group, LLC. Paul Hubbman, Project Coordinator, East West Gateway For more … Continued

CMT Seeking a Graphic Designer for Ten Toes Express Advertising

Citizens for Modern Transit (“CMT”) is seeking a graphic designer to assist with a promotional piece for our Ten Toes Express Program.  This piece will be an informational piece used to recruit new participants to the program.  It will be posted on bulletin boards, shared via e-mail, posted on the website and more.  We will need print specs, … Continued

A Special Ten Toe Walk Audit from the Rock Road MetroLink Station

Please join us for a special Ten Toes Walk Audit of the community surrounding the Rock Road MetroLink Station in Pagedale, Missouri. Join our Rock Road Ten Toes walkers, CMT, Beyond Housing and Julie Padberg White – the facilitator- as we assess the walking and safety conditions of the neighborhood.  Participants comments will be included in … Continued

CMT Sponsors and Participates in St. Louis Public Radio's, MetroQuest 2013

In our ongoing effort to encourage and support transit in the region, CMT partners with local organizations also working to support the region’s transit system.  CMT co-sponsored St. Louis Public Radio’s MetroQuest 2013, a scavenger hunt, pub crawl, and trivia contest that utilized public transit and participant’s own two feet to explore the city and … Continued

City Affair Announces the 6th Annual MetroLink Prom, October 19

City Affair announces its 6TH ANNUAL METROLINK PROM: AN “ALMOST LEGAL” CELEBRATION OF 20 YEARS OF METROLINK! Read the press announcement below.  Will you join them? It’s 1993—Bill Clinton has just become the 42nd President of the United States, Lorena Bobbatt is on trial for an alleged amateur surgical procedure, Jurassic Park is released, and the … Continued

Metro ridership up over prior year

Metro closed out FY13 on June 30, 2013 with ridership up across the board on MetroLink, MetroBus and Call-A-Ride for more than 47 million rides –  a 0.7 percent increase over the prior year and a 13 percent increase since FY10.  Metro is attributing some of this growth to higher gasoline prices and returning customers … Continued

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