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Metro Changes to Missouri Bus Stops – July 15

On July 15, Metro Transit will begin relocating or removing 450 bus stops in the City of St. Louis and in St. Louis County in Missouri in an effort to create faster and more efficient trips for MetroBus customers. The stops were identified during a comprehensive analysis of the spacing of the more than 5,400 bus stops that are currently part of the MetroBus system in Missouri.

If your route is scheduled to change, consider signing up for the Citizens for Modern Transit Try and Ride program.  From now until December riders experiencing bus stop or bus route changes will qualify for CMT’s Try and Ride program.  For more information or to sign up, click here.

The recent analysis identified the bus stops as being in close proximity to another stop, typically within one block. By relocating or removing these stops, MetroBus operators will be able to improve on-time performance by avoiding making more frequent stops, block after block, which slows down bus trips as well as vehicle traffic.

MetroBus will continue to serve all of the selected bus stops until they have been relocated or removed. Signs about potential relocation or removal have been, or are currently in the process, of being installed at all bus stops affected by the change. For more information, or to find out if your stop is impacted, check Rider Alerts or contact Metro Transit Information, which they can call Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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