East-West Gateway is updating the long-range transportation plan for the St. Louis region, and they need your help. Take the survey to tell them about your needs and priorities for the region’s transportation system and how you see technology changing the way we travel. CMT hopes transit users will weigh in on the importance of transit to the future of the region.
This plan offers EWG’s vision and priorities for the St. Louis transportation system including highways, bridges, public transit, bicycle and pedestrian routes, and serves as the framework for regional transportation decision-making and investments. This document is updated every four years and must balance technical needs, budgetary constraints, and public desires.
East-West Gateway Council of Governments (EWG), as the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for the St. Louis region, is responsible for the development and adoption of long- and short-range regional transportation plans. Any transportation project within the St. Louis region that will be wholly or partially funded with federal dollars must be contained in one of EWG’s approved plans. EWG’s transportation planning activities range from long-range planning to very focused corridor or subarea planning, from MetroLink planning to non-mobilized mobility planning, and from freight planning to human services planning. Regardless of the planning effort, the goal is to provide accessibility and mobility in a safe, efficient, and effective manner that aligns with EWG’s 10 Guiding Principles.
Completing the five-minute survey is easy. Just go online to www.ewgateway.org/connected2045.