Transit continues to win at the ballot box in 2013 with 2 out of 3 measures for transit passing in May. On May 7, voters in two communities in Ohio and one in Michigan decided on property tax measures for transit. Two of the measures were approved handedly, continuing the trend of success dating back to at least 2000.
Kalamazoo County, MI, which has a long history of supporting transit taxes, approved a 0.4 mills renewal levy by 72%. The levy is expected to generate about $3 million in its first year for bus service within the county.
Perrysburg, OH has finally approved a small property tax increase to support transit service after voting to withdraw from the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority last March. A November 2012 measure to establish local service supported by a 1.45 mill levy was defeated. This May, 72% of voters approve a 0.8 mill, five-year levy to establish dial-a-ride and fixed route service for handicapped citizens.
More Information from the Center for Transportation Excellence is available on 2013 Elections