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The GREAT RACE is tomorrow

Join CMT, Trailnet and WeCar for this exciting event tomorrow, May 17! The Great Race between Team Transit, Team CarShare, and Team Bike will kick off at Post Office Plaza at 4:30 p.m. with a welcome from St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay. The race will lead the teams to the finish line at their destination, CJ Mugg’s in Clayton.  Come see who County Executive Charlie Dooley announces as winner and welcome them with the festivities from 5-6:30 pm at CJ Mugg’s. 

Show your support by “Liking” one of these teams on their respective Facebook pages: Team Transit, Team CarShare, or Team Bike.  Transit users who “Like” Team Transit will be entered into a drawing for chance to win a monthly transit pass!

There will be a trophy for the winning team, as well as attendance prize drawings for those who come to CJ Mugg’s.

Celebrity teammates include: Heidi Glaus (KSDK), Kevin “the Intern” Berghoff (Y98), Nate Birch (Editor of Clayton Patch), Kevin Steincross (KTVI), and Don Corrigan (Editor of the Webster-Kirkwood Times newspaper).

See West End Word‘s article or the Clayton-Richmond Heights Patch‘s article on the event.

This will be a “Tweetup” event.  CMT’s May events supported by the St. Louis Regional Clean Air Partnership.

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