- Delmar Station
- Forest Park-DeBalivier Station
- Central West End Station
- Grand Station
- Union Station
- 8th and Pine Station
- Arch-Laclede’s Landing Station
Rules: The pilot phase will run from April 15-June 15, 2013. Participants will access, via a free app on their smart phones, “treks” to MetroLink stations and then complete fun “challenges” relating to sustainability features found within a short walk of the MetroLink stations. Contest points and rewards, such as coupons and discounts, will be available by successfully completing various challenges.
To win a prize: The first 10 people to complete two out of three challenges posed at 5 different trek areas during the pilot phase will win a $25 gift certificate from a local vendor. The competition is free and open to anyone. To be eligible for a prize a contestant must provide their name and email address.
To learn more about the contest and sustainability in the City of St. Louis, visit http://stlouis-mo.gov/sustainability/or join us for the kick-off of the City of St. Louis Urban Sustainability Quest. The kick-off will open with remarks by Phil Valko, WUSTL’s Director of Sustainability, and feature a presentation by Catherine Werner, Sustainability Director for the City of St. Louis. Be among the first to learn more details about the Urban Sustainability Quest Competition and the City’s newly-adopted Sustainability Plan.
Urban Sustainability Quest: Competition Kick-Off
Friday, April 12, 2013 3:00-4:00 pm
William H. and Elizabeth Gray Danforth University Center, Room 276
Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63105