Make a difference with charities and causes you will support in 2018, please consider a year-end gift to Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT).
As the regional transit advocacy organization, CMT is continually working to improve and expand transit options throughout the St. Louis region. As you know, public transportation provides thousands of local residents with access to jobs, education, healthcare and much needed goods and services, while also playing a key role in racial and social equity, economic development and the region’s ability to attract and retain talent.
A top priority for CMT is ensuring that the public safe while using the transit system. Gifts to this year’s end of year giving campaign will help support future programs and work similar to the recent Access Control Pilot. Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) teamed up with Metro, East-West Gateway Council of Governments, St. Clair County Transit District, the Organization for Black Struggle and local law enforcement to pilot a MetroLink Access Project designed to help improve fare validation at three highly utilized MetroLink stations. The initiative was among multiple collaborative efforts underway across the region to prioritize and ensure safety and security on the MetroLink System. Creating and maintaining a safe environment around transit is critical to building public confidence in the system.
CMT is currently backed by more than 20,000 transit riders, employers, academic institutions and labor/community organizations. Your help is greatly needed, too. Your year-end gift helps drive change in the region and build a framework for the future. Your donation creates the foundation of building a lasting legacy upon which public transit can continue to thrive.