St. Louis County is undertaking an Action Plan for Walking and Biking. The Action Plan will be a countywide plan that provides a guide for improving walking and biking conditions throughout St. Louis County over the next 20 years. “We know that transit riders having a walking component at one or both ends of their transit trips. CMT will be serving on the Committee for St. Louis County and hopes to ensure that transit access is included as a focus to current and future walking and biking infrastructure improvements,” said Kim Cella, executive director of CMT. “It’s important that County residents weigh in as much as possible to ensure the plan meets their needs.”
The Action Plan will be the county’s blueprint for improving safety, connectivity, and accessibility for people walking and bicycling. While the plan recommendations will focus on County-owned roadways, connections to municipal bikeways and sidewalks, as well as regional trail systems, will be vital to the success of the plan.
Throughout the planning process, the county will be seeking feedback through an online survey and interactive map, public meetings, and other events. The plan will be finalized and adopted in 2020. This project depends on community feedback and support for success.
Public meetings set
Four identical meetings will be held in mid-October to gather input from the public on desired improvements to the bicycle and pedestrian network. Meeting dates and locations include:
- Wednesday, October 16, 5-7:30p, Brentwood Community Center, 2505 S. Brentwood Boulevard in Brentwood
- Thursday, October 17, 5-7:30p, the Pavilion at Lemay, 305 Gregg Road in Lemay
- Wednesday, October 23, 5-7:30p Greensfelder Community Center in Queeny Park, 550 Weidman Road in Ballwin
- Thursday, October 24, 5-7:30p, Ferguson Community Center, 1050 Smith Avenue in Ferguson
Visit to learn more, take a brief survey, and/or enter your ideas on an interactive mapping tool. You can follow the action plan on social media by the handle @stlcountywalkbike.