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Sponsorship Opportunities available for 2017 CMT Annual Meeting

annualmeetinginviteimagePlease reserve September 13, 2017 for the Citizens for Modern Transit’s 33rd Annual Meeting.  The meeting will be from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Renaissance Grand Hotel, Crystal Ballroom, on Washington Ave. St. Louis, MO  63101.  An awards presentation will be held at the meeting as well. We invite you to sponsor this milestone event.

Depending on sponsorship level, you could receive coverage in the CMT Annual Report, FY18 Calendar of events for 2018, tabling opportunities, listing on Annual Meeting invitations, signage at the Annual Meeting, a table of ten for the luncheon, and inclusion in the follow up event coverage – CMT newsletters, website, press releases and social media (breakdown of the benefits are included on the attached sponsor form). Sponsorship levels are as follows –


CMT 32nd Annual Meeting set for September 1, 2016

Premiere Partner Sponsorship $10,000
The Premiere Partner Sponsor will be listed as a sponsor for all events during the next fiscal year.  Their logo will be prominently displayed on the calendar of events.  At the Annual Meeting, this sponsor level will receive space in the annual report for company information and logo. They will also have the opportunity to table or display their materials at the event.  This sponsor will also be listed at the top of CMT’s weekly eblast to more than 6,000+ people for the entire year.

Gold Level Sponsorship $4,000
This sponsor level will receive space in the annual report for company information, contact information and logo. They will also be listed on all Annual Meeting materials including logo and receive one table of 10 at the Annual Meeting.  They will also have the opportunity to table or display their materials at the event. The logo will be included on the FY17 calendar of events.

Silver Level Sponsorship $3,000
This sponsor level will receive space in the annual report for company logo. They will also be listed on all Annual Meeting materials including logo and receive one table of 10 at the Annual Meeting

Bronze Level Sponsorship $2,000
This sponsor level will be listed on all Annual Meeting materials including logo and receive one table of 10 at the Annual Meeting.

For each sponsorship level, you will receive a reserved table of 10 at the Annual Meeting. Please provide your guest names to CMT at

Sponsorships due by June 15, 2017 or email to ensure that your company name is included on the invitations.

Sponsor today!


Sponsored in part by:

Ameren_MO 4c (3)

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