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Secure Platform Plan Moves Forward At Metro Transit

Metro Transit’s Secure Platform Plan continues to move forward with first package estimated to be open by Spring of 2024.   In January, the agency announced the MetroLink Secure Platform Plan would be moving forward in a phased approach with six packages each ranging from four to eight stations.

According to Kevin Scott, Bi-State General Manager of Public Safety, this will allow the project to move forward expeditiously with phased packages of stations and the opportunity for lessons learned from each phase.   The first phase announced was four stations:  JJK, Emerson Park, Washington Park and Southwestern Illinois College. Phase 1 is estimated to be at 95 percent design by July of this year, with construction completed by the Spring of 2024.

Phase 2 will include Cortex, Delmar, Forest Park, Grand, Union Station, Central West End and Civic Center.  Ninety-five percent design by October of this year with construction complete by Summer of 2024.

Public Open Houses will be held next week on both SPP and the expansion of MetroLink.

St. Louis County
Monday, May 22, 2023
4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
(stop by anytime)

Beyond Housing
6506 Wright Way
St. Louis, MO 63121

Virtual Public Meeting
Pre-Register at:

City of St. Louis
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
(stop by anytime)

1101 Jefferson Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63106

Virtual Public Meeting
Pre-Register at: 3p1BjIM


In August of 2022, the Bi-State Board of Commissioners approved a contract to HNTB for $6,948,587 for professional engineering services for the MetroLink Secure Platform Plan.   The Bi-State Board voted unanimously to move the contract forward.  The HNTB team includes the following sub-contractors:

  • KAI Enterprises to provide architectural integration of the fare collection system, fencing and other aspects of the project.
  • ABNA Engineering, Inc. will provide topographic surveying services as required.
  • Custom Engineering, Inc. will provide electrical engineering and design services.
  • Kivindyo Engineering Services, LLC will provide utility coordination services.
  • Code Consultants, Inc. will provide code compliance, fire protection, life safety and accessibility.

The Secure Platform Plan encompasses gates, fencing, and cameras for the 39  MetroLink stations throughout the region.   Financial support for this project includes funding from St. Louis County, City of St. Louis, and St. Clair County Transit District.   Private donations total more than $10 million towards cost of this project.   In addition, federal stimulus funds will be utilized as well.

Visit Metro Transit’s Secure Platform Plan Project site for more information.


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