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RFP for Public Relations Released for Ridership Programming

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) i is undertaking a two-year education campaign, which will including launch of new programming, partnership collaboration and rider/community engagement.   CMT is seeking a firm to assist with these efforts in planning, executing and promoting these events and messaging items.   The programs would include Social Media marketing; email outreach; promotional events; transit advertising, website promotions, and community engagement events will all be used to connect with St. Clair County residents and employers. The goal would be to reach the target market at least three to six times over the time period – moving them into action.

Work products will include press releases, website updates, execution of events, and outreach programs on the following topics related to transit:

  • MetroBus Revision Education and programming
  • Transit Benefit Programming
  • Community-wide education campaigns
  • Workforce Development-Job Access through Transit
  • Social Media Challenges

Consultant will also be responsible for tracking all media hits/clippings and will provide a quarterly and annual media reports including earned media amounts, reach, and frequency.

This proposal should include any information which might help in the selection process, such as the persons or team assigned to each project, the backgrounds of those individuals, your budget, and other projects your company has recently completed or are now active.  Proposals must received by 4 pm, January 24, 2020 at Citizens for Modern Transit, 911 Washington, Ste. 200, St. Louis, MO 63101 and at

RFP for Public Relations for 2020 Transit Programming

Please acknowledge this addendum when submitting your Letter of Interest.


  1.  Are you looking for a lump sum or hourly rate?   CMT is looking for one price for the two-year program. This can be shown based on hourly rates if preferred.  
  2. Is there an incumbent? If so, who?  There is no incumbent.  All proposals will be submitted to a committee to review based on the criteria below.   
  3. Estimated number of press releases, website updates and events between March-Dec, 2020?  There will be approximately 6-8 campaigns each year along with 4-5 press releases per month.  Website updates will be determined by number of campaigns.  
 All proposals submitted in response to a CMT request for proposal (RFP) will initially be evaluated using the following criteria (each weighted equally):
  1. Qualifications of person/firm conducting the work
  2. Proposal Quality
  3. Product samples – samples provided and/or on firm website need to be relevant to work being asked to be completed.
Once the proposals are narrowed down to the top candidates using these criteria, the final selection will be determined with consideration to price and the above criteria. The proposal providing the best value to the project will be selected.  CMT will award the work to the responsible firm whose proposal is most advantageous to the project, with price and other factors considered.  CMT reserves the right to reject any proposals deemed non-responsive to the RFP. CMT reserves the right to reject all proposals if the competitive process is not met and may reissue the RFP with or without changes.

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