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Public Transit is the Right Investment for MO; Deliver the Message on Transportation Day 2018

cmt_transportdaypcCitizens for Modern Transit and the Missouri Public Transit Association are teaming up with transit providers, transit advocates, stakeholders and interested citizens from across the state in Jefferson City for Transportation Day 2018 on February 15.

Public transit is the right investment for Missouri.The facts demonstrate investment in transit increases access to jobs, education and healthcare; creates development opportunities; and provides reinvestment in the disadvantaged areas of our state.

There is an opportunity in the 2018 Legislative session to make legislators aware of the importance of public transit and key projects that can have a direct impact on Missouri’s economy. Last year the Legislature slashed funding to $1.71 million for 34 transit providers from across the state. This includes a cut of $500,000 from General Revenue.

On February 15, 2018, CMT and the MPTA will host a morning of events including key legislative meetings set up for attendees, a briefing with key legislators and invited speaker MoDOT Director Patrick McKenna. In addition, attendees are strongly encouraged to sit in on any hearings that day related to transit.  We have heard from legislators that they do not think transit is a priority for people in Missouri because they are not hearing about it.  Help us spread the word on February 15.

Amtrak service is an option for some to Jefferson City. The schedule and fares are available at

Missouri State Capitol  Feb. 15, 2018

8 a.m. Scheduled Meetings Begin
10 a.m. Briefing in House Hearing Room 7

More information will be provided to attendees once registered.

Register today!

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