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No MetroLink Train Service Between Central West End and Union Station MetroLink Stations on June 17 & 18

MetroLink will not be operating trains between the Central West End Station and the Union Station MetroLink Station on Saturday and Sunday, June 17 and June 18, in order to accommodate maintenance work on the light rail system.

MetroLink Station Shuttles will transport riders by bus during the planned service disruption. The bus shuttles will operate between the Central West End, Cortex, Grand, Union Station and Civic Center MetroLink Stations. Westbound riders are encouraged to exit the train at the Civic Center Station to catch the bus shuttles to the Grand, Cortex and Central West End Stations. Westbound riders whose destination is Union Station should remain on the train at Civic Center and exit the train upon arrival at Union Station. Regular MetroLink service is scheduled to resume at the beginning of service on Monday, June 19.

Transit riders who have questions or need assistance should contact Metro Transit Information at: 314.231.2345 (phone) or 314.207.9786 (text).

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