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New CMT Ten Toe Express Walk Announced for May 8!  Join us for a tour of Historic Maplewood

The Monday Shrewsbury Walking Group will be starting back up this coming Monday, May 8th with a tour of historic Maplewood.  This walk will be led by CMT staff member Travis Wood and long-time expert on the history of Maplewood Doug Houser.  We will meet at Shrewsbury-Lansdowne I-44 MetroLink Station at 8:45 am so we have time to catch the 9:06 am train to Maplewood-Manchester Station.

From there we’ll meet up with our tour guide Doug Houser and enjoy a ~ 1 ½ hour walking tour of historic Maplewood before returning to the Maplewood-Manchester Station to head back to Shrewsbury Station via MetroLink.  You can preview some of Doug’s work at the Maplewood Heritage Society website here:

If you plan to join us on Monday, the 8th please RSVP by emailing Travis at  If you’re interested in learning about becoming a walk leader, our Monday walks meeting at Shrewsbury Station offer the perfect opportunity to learn from CMT staff while enjoying a variety of walks.

Not registered for the CMT Ten Toe Express Program?  Visit the registration page HERE.


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