Today, the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission approved a list of priority projects to fund through Amendment 7 including more than $800 million in transit projects over the next ten years including committed matches to Amendment 7 funding from regional sources. Amendment 7, a three-fourths of one percent increase in Missouri’s sales tax for priority transportation projects, would create a dedicated funding source for public transit projects for the first time in Missouri history. Transit projects to be funded include light rail, streetcars, bus rapid transit, expansion studies, OATS, Amtrak upgrades and more.
The Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) Board of Directors endorsed Amendment 7 at its June 30, 2014 Board of Directors meeting.
“More than $800 million in funding for transit projects in Missouri marks a significant shift from current transit funding,” said Kim Cella, executive director of Citizens for Modern Transit. “The MO General Assembly is to be commended for passing legislation that allows Missouri voters to support making transportation and public transit a top priority. If passed, this initiative will provide the opportunity for Missourians to fund public transit projects like light rail and streetcars. We know investment in these types of transportation not only provides access to jobs but significant economic development opportunities for the region and state.”
Currently, Missouri ranks near the bottom of the list nationally with regard to transit funding. In the current year, Metro has received less than $400,000 in state funds for transit operations; Metro’s annual budget is in excess of $250 million. Without additional state funding, the St. Louis region cannot continue to compete for federal funding for public transit projects.
This referendum affords the St. Louis region the opportunity to move transit forward. According to the American Public Transit Association, every dollar invested in transit returns four dollars to the region. Millennials, older adults and immigrants are demanding more public transit options. These demands cannot be met without the help of the state. According to AARP, older Missourians increasingly rely on public transportation resources like city bus services and OATS. Nationally, more than 8 million adults aged 65 and older do not drive. Public transportation is seen as a “lifeline” for older adults.
In many Missouri communities, Amendment 7 will provide new public transportation funding to increase access and options for Missourians who don’t drive or don’t have access to a car. In the St. Louis region this equates to more than $135 million in public transit projects over 10 years including a new light rail station in the City of St. Louis, studies for future light rail extensions, streetcars, bus rapid transit safety and accessibility upgrades to existing bus and MetroLink stations and other transit improvements. In addition, MoDOT has committed an additional $10 million in funding for the Bus Rapid Transit lines in St. Louis City and County from a current funding source.
Funds cannot be diverted by current or future politicians to non-transportation spending because Amendment 7 is a constitutional amendment, and necessity goods such as groceries, prescriptions drugs and fuel are exempt from this tax. Also, MoDOT is responsible for ensuring completion of all projects identified on the list.
For more information about Citizens for Modern Transit, visit or call (314) 231-7272. You can also find them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter @cmt_stl.
REGION | Project | Amendment 7 Revenues (Millions) | Match (Millions) | Total Funding (Millions) |
CD | Improve Public Transportation in Columbia by adding 2 hours service daily | $ 10.50 | $ 10.50 | |
CD | Increased service to mprove JEFFTRAN Public Transportation | $ 8.00 | $ 8.00 | |
CD | Improve Amtrak Station in Jefferson City | $ 5.00 | $ 5.00 | |
CD | Fixed funding for OATS in Columbia/Jefferson City | $ 1.00 | $ 1.00 | |
CD | Fixed funding to remove bottleneck for Union Pacific and Amtrak at Bonnots Mill | $ 5.52 | $ 5.52 | |
CD | Fixed funding contribution to expand public transportation services by one day per week in each county | $ 5.40 | $ 5.40 | |
KC | Fixed funding contribution for streetcar along Main Street from Pershing Road to UMKC campus. Match from City of KC | $ 52.90 | $ 152.00 | $ 204.90 |
KC | Fixed funding contribution for Streetcar along Independence Ave. from River Market to Benton blvd. March from City of Kansas City | $ 38.75 | $ 111.30 | $ 150.05 |
KC | Fixed funding contribution for a streetcar along Lnwood Blvd.from Main Street to Prospect . Match from City of Kansas City | $ 32.34 | $ 92.70 | $ 125.04 |
KC | Fixed Funding contribution to KCATA for new bus rapid transit route. Match from City of Kansas City | $ 20.00 | $ 25.00 | $ 45.00 |
KC | KCATA public transportation system preservation – capital improvement program | $ 32.50 | $ 32.50 | |
KC | KCATApublic transportation sytem preservation – operations and maitenance program | $ 32.50 | $ 32.50 | |
KC | Public transportation system preservation for OATS | $ 2.00 | $ 2.00 | |
KC | Public transportation system preservation program for Ray County Transportation | $ 0.50 | $ 0.50 | |
KC | Butterfield Youth Services Public Transportation System | $ 0.05 | $ 0.05 | |
NE | Fixed funding contribution to OATs | $ 3.00 | $ 3.00 | |
NW | Fixed funding contribution to maintain current public transportation service for OATS in Northwest Region | $ 2.00 | $ 2.00 | |
NW | Fixed funding contribution towards fours buses for the St. Joseph public transportation system | $ 1.61 | $ 1.61 | |
NW | Fixed funding contribution to improve service times for the public transportation system on Rt. 169 | $ 0.40 | $ 0.40 | |
SL | Fixed funding contribution to support the Transportation for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Progam | $ 0.41 | $ 0.41 | |
SL | Fixed funding contribution to support the Transportation for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Progam | $ 0.27 | $ 0.27 | |
SL | Fixed funding contribution to support the Missouri Elderly and Handicapped Transportation Assistance Program (MEHTAP) | $ 1.30 | $ 1.30 | |
SL | Edlerderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities Program St. Charles | $ 2.50 | $ 2.50 | |
SL | MEHTAP Funding St. Charles | $ 2.50 | $ 2.50 | |
SL | Improve passenger Access at Kirkwood Amtrak Station | $ 1.16 | $ 1.16 | |
SL | iMproved sidewalks at bus stops in St. Lo uis County | $ 2.88 | $ 2.88 | |
SL | Future light rail Station | $ 8.90 | $ 8.90 | |
SL | Studies for light rail expansion and funing scenarios for next phase | $ 2.00 | $ 2.00 | |
SL | Fixed funding contribution to Metro for bus rapid transit route from dowtnown STL to Chesterfield along I-64. Match from Metro | $ 18.00 | $ 20.00 | $ 38.00 |
SL | Fixed funding contribution to Metrofor the bus rapid transit route from downtown St. Louis to I-270 along West Florissant and natural Bridge Road. Match from Metro | $ 18.00 | $ 20.00 | $ 38.00 |
SL | Provide Fixed funding contribution toward phase I of the St. Louis Streetcar system. Project deliver is contingent upo St. Louis Streetcar Company providing $271.5 millcontrction from other sources | $ 25.02 | $ 25.02 | |
SL | Fixed funding contribution to improve sidewalks at bus stops in City of St. Louis | $ 0.91 | $ 0.91 | |
SL | Funding for Forest Park/DeBaliviere MetroLink Station improvements | $ 18.77 | $ 18.77 | |
SW | Fixed funding contribution to Springfield public transportation system to purchase 2 buses | $ 0.80 | $ 0.80 | |
SW | Fixed funding contribution to Springfield public transportation system to replace four buses | $ 1.65 | $ 1.65 | |
SW | Improve bus stops for Springfield public transportation system | $ 0.05 | $ 0.05 | |
SW | Fixed funding contribution to increase the frequency of service for 2 Springfield public transportation routes | $ 5.97 | $ 5.97 | |
SW | Fixed funding contribution for OATS in Springfield | $ 2.50 | $ 2.50 | |
SW | Funding to add trolley routes and additional paratransit service in Joplin | $ 2.69 | $ 2.69 | |
SW | Provide Fixed Funding to City of Branson to provide public transit service. Match from City of Branson | $ 1.09 | $ 1.90 | $ 2.99 |
SW | Provide fixed funding contribution to OATS | $ 0.10 | $ 0.10 | |
SW | Fixed funding contribution for Joplin for public transportation vehicles | $ 0.10 | $ 0.10 | |
SW | Fixed funding contribution to maintain OATS service in 21 Southwest Regions counties | $ 4.59 | $ 4.59 | |
SW | Fixed funding for future public transportation assistance in Sowuthest rural region | $ 0.25 | $ 0.25 | |
SW | Fixed fudning contribution for public transportation vehicle in Clinton | $ 0.05 | $ 0.05 | |
SW | Fixed funding contribution to OATs | $ 0.82 | $ 0.82 | |
SE | Fixed funding contribution for buses and public transit in Southeast Region | $ 25.00 | $ 25.00 | |
SL | MoDOT match for BRT projects in SL from other funding source | $ 10.00 | $ 10.00 | |
TOTALS | $ 402.25 | $ 422.90 | $ 835.15 | |