The Missouri Blue Ribbon TRansportation Commission released its Missouri Transportation Needs Final Report. According to Co-chair Bill McKenna it was the intent of the committee to determine the needs and options to fix those needs. Over 800 attended the various meetings held around the state with over 200 providing testimony. Bill noted several key points that emerged from the process:
- The need to take care of the existing infrastructure;
- MoDOT is funded more like a roads and bridges department rather than all transportation mode department;
- Safety continues to be increasingly important; and
- There are hundreds of unfunded projects in every area of the state.
Some new sources of revenue listed including bonding, general sales tax, fuel tax, tolls, and general fund revenues. The Committee’s conclusions were that an additional $600 million to $1 billion per year will more adequately address Missouri’s growing transportation needs and that the voters of Missouri should be given the opportunity to make that investment.
According to the report, “the Committee recommends that elected state officials in the Executive branch and in both the House and Senate take an ownership in the incredible investment this state currently has and must make in its infrastructure. And we encourage them to work together for the future of Missouri.”