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MetroLink Security Assessment Update

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) and the St. Louis Regional Chamber hosted a special “Talking Transit” event highlighting the MetroLink Security Assessment currently underway in the St. Louis region. The presentation was led by Lurae Stuart and Angela Starr of the New-York based consulting firm hired to execute the 8-month, $400,000 study. WSP Logo

The MetroLink Security Assessment was authorized by the East-West Gateway Council of Governments in March and is being led by WSP USA, Inc. The goal of the assessment is to take a comprehensive look at current security policies on MetroLink. From there, recommendations will be made for improvements related to technology, environmental design and human capital deployment. WSP introduced the audience to the individuals who are spearheading the study and went over how they plan to gain insight into the local transit system.

“WSP USA consultants will draw on decades of experience in the operation, maintenance and safety and security of light-rail systems nationwide to recommend a workable plan to improve our local system,” said Kim Cella, executive director of Citizens for Modern Transit. “This is yet another step to actively address local challenges and continue to help the community regain confidence in safe and secure rides.”

To view WSP’s slides from the presentation, click here.  What are your thoughts on the Security Assessment?  Let us know at

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