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Meet us in St. Louis for the  2020 Missouri Public Transit Conference Under the St. Louis Arch

The Missouri Public Transit Association is gearing up for the 2020 Missouri Transit Conference and Expo this September under the newly renovated St. Louis Gateway Arch.  Early Bird registration ends in August for the 2020 Missouri Transit Association Annual Conference & EXPO to be held at the Marriott Grand Hotel in St. Louis on September 8-10, 2020.

A new session just added will provide an opportunity to find ways to manage the ever-stressful roles in transit management and delivery especially this year with driver shortages, a pandemic and unrest in many of our cities. Also, a special NTI training will be held on Sept. 8 on Assault Awareness and Prevention. The draft conference agenda can be seen below.

The conference will take an in-depth look at transit operations, mobility needs and transit partnerships while investigating opportunities and policies for local transit agencies to meet those needs. In addition, the required Drug and Alcohol Training for Missouri 5311 providers will be offered on Sept. 10.  At the MPTA Annual Meeting, Hats Off to Missouri Transit, on Sept. 9, the membership will celebrate the wins in transit in 2020, elect the annual leadership team and honor systems across the state for service to public transit. There will be networking opportunities at the opening reception on Tuesday, Sept. 8 and the evening event at the newly renovated Gateway Arch on Sept. 9.

The conference will provide ample opportunity to meet with MPTA vendors to highlight their products to transit systems. On Tuesday evening, a vendor reception will provide opportunities to chat with vendors about their products and then on Wednesday, Sept. 9 a special ‘speed dating’ workshop will be held where vendors and system professionals will have an opportunity to meet in small groups (practicing social distancing) to discuss products and innovations available to help meet the state’s mobility needs including protective equipment to protect drivers. Sponsor or exhibit at this year’s conference. 

Panel discussions at the conference will include a look at COVID-19 impact on public transit, the fare discussion of 2020 – to charge or not to charge, climate change and transit, and mobility on demand to fill the service gaps. Mobile workshops will focus on microtransit in action in East St. Louis and the new multi-modal hub in St. Louis at the Cortex Station.

In addition, participants will have the opportunity to hear from FTA Region VII Administrator Mohktee Ahmad, Missouri Department of Transportation Director and AASHTO President Patrick McKenna, and CTAA Executive Director Scott Bogren on the State of Funding on Capitol Hill.

Attendees will also enjoy the hospitality of the gateway to the west St. Louis, MO. Special events will include an opening reception sponsored by TransLoc and evening under the Gateway Arch sponsored in part by Bi-State Development and tours of the newly renovated Gateway Arch Park Museum. And the MPTA Annual Meeting will feature a “Hats off to Missouri Transit” celebration.

The conference will follow safety guidelines, social distancing and provide protective equipment to ensure a productive and safe conference. 


Meet us in St. Louis on Sept. 8 by registering today!



10:00 – 4:00 Registration for 2020 Conference
11:30 – 1:00 MPTA Board Meeting
1:00 – 4:00 NTI TRAIING: Assault Awareness and Prevention for Transit Operators
5:00 – 6:30 OPENING RECEPTION in Exhibit Hall at the Marriott Grand Hotel sponsored by TransLoc
7:30 – 5:00 Registration
7:00 – 8:00 Breakfast in Exhibit Hall
8:00 – 9:00 General Session I
9:00 – 10:00 General Session 2
10:00 – 10:15 Break
10:15 – 11:30 Dealing with a Pandemic: Transit’s Response a Panel Discussion
MoDOT Update for MO Transit Providers
Transit’s on Track to Impact Climate Change a Panel Discussion
11:30 – 12:00 Break and Visit with Vendors
12:00 – 1:15 MPTA ANNUAL MEETING LUNCHEON and AWARDS, Hats Off to  Missouri Transit
1:30 – 2:45 Electrifying the Fleet: Wins, Losses, Opportunities and Challenges
Take a Ride on the Flyer; MicroTransit in East St. Louis Mobile Workshop
Transit & Leadership Building: De-Stressing the Workplace
2:45 – 3:00 Break
3:00 – 4:30 MPTA Vendor Members’ Showcase
Partnerships for Placemaking: Maplewood MetroBus Transformation Project
6-8 p.m. RECEPTION at St. Louis Arch Park Museum sponsored by Bi-State Development
7:45 – 9:00 Breakfast & Keynote: State of Funding – Where are We today on Capitol Hill? CTAA Executive Director Scott Bogren
9:00 – 10:15 Substance Abuse Training
Focusing on a Multi-Modal Approach: Cortex Innovation Community a Mobile Workshop
A Community Addresses Transit Safety and Security
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30 – 12 Continued: Substance Abuse Training
Can we Share a Ride to Fill the Service Gaps? Transit Opportunities
CARES Act and Long Term Recovery from COVID-19 with the FTA
12:30 Conference Adjourns

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