WSP selected this morning to lead Phase II of the MetroLink System-Wide Assessment. The East-West Gateway Board of Directors voted this morning to move Phase II of the program forward under the leadership of WSP to develop a comprehensive security strategy for Metro. This strategy will include most recommendations from Phase I in the areas of:
- Security strategy
- Police/security staffing
- Procedures and training, and
- Fare and fare enforcement.
Two consulting teams responded to the RFP which was released on Feb. 8, 2019. A selection committee including St. Louis Metropolitan Police, St. Louis County Police, St. CLair County Sheriff’s Dept., Metro and East-West Gateway served on the selection committee.
Metro has worked closely with East-West Gateway through Phase I assessment and has been implementing recommended security adjustments to their approach throughout the process. Recommended security improvements in the areas of environmental design and technology will be implemented by Metro as additional capital funding is available. According to East-West Gateway, work should be underway by May and will last approximately 10 months.