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Distance from transit plays a key role in percentage who ride

STL-Transit-Survey--Infographic-CompleteCMT wrapped up its latest survey of St. Louisans on their perceptions of transit in January.   Whether discussing preferred method of transportation, benefits of transit, or more transit, survey respondents indicated across the board proximity to living and working near transit played a role in whether they viewed it as an option for themselves especially the MetroLink system.   Eighty-five percent of the respondents indicated they have a choice in their mode of transportation,  and 37 percent of those respondents choose public transit.

Respondents indicated they would be more likely to ride public transit if they lived closer to the stations  or if it was more convenient or accessible.

“I would prefer to use MetroLink but the system is limited. We also need a major North South connection.”

“I would use MetroLink more often if I could walk to the MetroLink station, I find the MetroLink more relaxing (no traffic).”

MetroLink is preferred by the majority of respondents (62%) for transportation because of the cost savings (57.6%) and for the environment (47.9%).

Major issues with public transit according to respondents in St. Louis were length of commutes and safety. Comment after comment addressed the need for expansion of the current system.

“Need more light rail”

“Dissatisfied, light rail in St. Louis is too limited.”

“Need more routes and stations.”

“Not a regional system. Limited access hampers its utility.”

Respondents were asked what they viewed are the greatest benefits to living close to public transit:

The greatest benefits are 1. having more than one option of transportation mode for at least some of the trips one makes and 2. the savings ofmoney, time and stress enjoyed by using public transit instead of a private vehicle. flexibility.

It would give my family way more freedom from having to get everywhere via one car.

I would walk and explore St. Louis more. Become more active in my community and invest more into local businesses and their products. I would drive less and be more happy and sociable.


Fifty three percent of the respondents were male.  Majority (52%) fell between the ages of 25-40 years old.   More than 76 percent are employed full-time, and more than 50 percent have a household income of $50,000 or greater.


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