Metro, the East-West Gateway Council of Governments and the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) are teaming up to conduct an anlternative analysis on transit improvements for four major highway corridors in St. Louis including I-70, I-64, I-44 and I-55.
The project, named the High Capacity Corridor Alternative Analysis Project, will zero in on these four corridors identifed in the Moving Transit Forward Long Range Transit Plan as critical corridors for enhanced transit service. The goal of the project is to identify transit markets that would produce significant transit ridership and develop strategies to provide these high quality, high capacity transit service, reduce congestion and improve the overal experience for Metro customers. Transit improvements could include any number of recommendations including bus rapid transit.
An RFP for engineering and design services was released in April, proposals were due in May, and the final interviews have been conducted. A final announcement could come any day on the consultant award.