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CMT releases program guide to help build ridership on systems across MO

Guide Book coverLast fall, Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) was awarded a Local Transit Coalition Grant by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA). With this grant, CMT was able to put together a program guide educating transit providers and transit advocacy groups on how to implement CMT’s successful transit rider incentive programs, including the Guaranteed Ride Home, the Ten Toe Express, and Try & Ride programs. The  program guide is available online, and hard copies are available upon request.
The program guide details how to implement CMT’s three main programs: Guaranteed Ride Home, Ten Toe Express, and Try & Ride, along with their signature event, The Great Race. Tips and tricks are provided including program successes and challenges, costs to administer, and steps for implementation, along with advice on how to adapt the program to best fit your community.

CMT has seen great success with these programs and events and hope that other organizations working to advance public transit in their communities will also share in their success. The program guide is available for download here: CMT Program Guide pdf


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