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CMT Issues RFP for Graphic Design Work

Citizens for Modern Transit

Request for Proposals

Graphic Design Work

CMAQ Contract 5456(611)

Citizens for Modern Transit (“CMT”) is seeking a consultant to assist CMT with a design for a community-wide campaign, “The Transit Crush.” “The Transit Crush” is planned for Friday, February 13th and CMT is seeking a logo, transit advertising images, and T-Shirt design for the event and pre-event advertising. The event planned will invite the community to make their love for transit known through a crush load and events on the system for Valentine’s Day. The imagery and messaging should invite participants to the event and communicate the benefits of public transportation.

Work products will include creation and development of a tag line and cohesive transit advertising campaign including one layout each for bus shelters, MetroLink windscreens, MetroBus cards, companion online advertising pieces, two layouts for print advertising, and a T-Shirt design. A detailed budget breakdown for each task/item listed above will need to be included with proposal.

CMT encourages disadvantaged, small, women-owned, and/or minority business participation.  Proposers must include the DBE Participation Form or its equivalent in the proposal, even if the DBE participation is zero (0).

Proposals are due on December 19, at 4:00 p.m. local time to the following address:

“St. Louis Transit Crush”

c/o Kimberly Cella

Executive Director

Citizens for Modern Transit 911 Washington, Ste. 200 St. Louis, MO 63101

Late proposals will be returned unopened.  Three (3) printed copies and one electronic copy via email ( from a firm principal committing the proposal for a minimum of ninety (90) days.  Faxed proposals or proposals submitted with an inadequate number of copies will not be accepted. Work products need to be ready no later than January 12, 2015.

CMT will post any supplemental information as necessary.


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