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CMT is Excited to Welcome its Newest CMT Ten Toe Express Walk Leader Rick Rosen


As part of the 2023 CMT Ten Toe Express Spring Season, Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) welcomes Rick Rosen as the program’s newest walk leader.

Rick will be leading three walks during the Spring 2023 Season starting at the Union Station MetroLink Station and ending at the Civic Center Transit Center. His tours include a walk through Lafayette Square, the Gateway Mall, and more.

He is excited to show his walkers fun and new places to explore, along with different historical sites around the City of St. Louis.

“We are excited to welcome our newest walk leader.  The CMT Ten Toe Express Program is a great way to learn or relearn how to use transit while exploring all parts of the region. We are always looking for new walk leaders. Those interested can contact the CMT offices at any time,” said Kim Cella, executive director of CMT.

Rick, along with the other walk leaders of the Ten Toe Program. are eager to fill their groups with new and returning members. If you are interested in joining the CMT Ten Toe Express program, check out this season’s schedule and sign up for the program today.


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