Discussion to Highlight ULI St. Louis TAP Results of the Grand MetroLink Station Study
Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) – the St. Louis region’s transit advocacy organization – has announced plans for its next virtual “Talking Transit” event, which is set for Tuesday, Oct. 19, at 8:30 a.m. via ZOOM. This event will look at the results of a study completed by the ULI St. Louis Technical Assistance Panel (TAP), which brought together the finest experts in the fields of real estate, planning and development to address possible development opportunities around the Grand MetroLink Station (located at 3560 Scott Ave, St. Louis, MO 63103). The event is free and open to the public. Pre-registration is required and can be completed here.
The event will feature a panel discussion with ULI St. Louis TAP members, including Chris Beard of Lochmueller Group, Bonnie Roy of SWT Design, Justin Carney of Development Strategies and Toyin Oduwole of St. Louis Realty Partners. The discussion will be moderated by Kimberly Cella of CMT and Brooks Goedeker of the St. Louis Midtown Redevelopment Corporation. Those in attendance will learn how the most recent study was built off of the one sponsored by CMT in 2012, what recent investment has been made in the area as it relates to real estate and an array of transportation options, why the site is primed for creative redevelopment and presents tremendous opportunity, and how significant challenges will need to be overcome in order to realize the station’s full potential.
ULI St. Louis TAP was commissioned by CMT, in partnership with the St. Louis Midtown Redevelopment Corporation, to conduct the Grand MetroLink Station study.
“As St. Louis looks at strategies for building back the urban core, it is imperative that we look at the role public transportation access can play,” commented Kimberly Cella, executive director of Citizens for Modern Transit. “We are seeing great investment in the Midtown area; however, there is still opportunity adjacent to the Grand MetroLink Station, including improved access and safety and security. We look forward to learning about the study results and the strategies that exist to improve the area for transit riders, visitors and the community at large.”
CMT hosts quarterly “Talking Transit” events to keep members, elected officials, stakeholders, transit riders and others in the loop on issues and efforts influencing the local transit system. These educational gatherings feature guest speakers and panel discussions addressing a wide range of topics, including transit-oriented development, safety and security, best practices, service changes and more.
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Location: Zoom
Registration Required