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Discussion to Address Importance of Fostering Equitable and Sustainable Transit-Oriented Development

Citizens for Modern Transit, in partnership with ULI St. Louis and St. Louis REALTORS®, has announced plans for its next virtual “Talking Transit” event, which is set for Friday, Dec. 4 at 8:30 a.m. via ZOOM. The event will highlight the development currently underway near the Forest Park-DeBaliviere and Swansea Transit Centers and well as a discussion on how equitable and sustainable investments like these help create more viable communities. The event is free and open to public, but pre-registration is required.

Real estate and investment professionals will join those from the public sector to discuss the advantages and challenges of developing near public transit. Panelists include Jeff Tegethoff, Operating Partner of CRG; Joel Fuoss, Principal of Trivers; Aaron Burnett, President of Bywater; John Hanley Senior Managing Director of the AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust; and Erica Henderson, Vice President, St. Louis Economic Development Partnership and Executive Director, St. Louis Promise Zone.

“Public transit access is key for real estate investment and expansion,” commented Kimberly Cella, executive director of Citizens for Modern Transit. “There are many lessons to be learned from the current developments underway in St. Louis. These will help the region in its pursuit to attract diverse groups of people to transit, provide greater mobility choices and access to opportunity.”

Registration must be completed online.

CMT hosts quarterly “Talking Transit” events to keep members, elected officials, stakeholders, transit riders and others in the loop on issues and efforts influencing the local transit system. These educational gatherings feature guest speakers and panel discussions addressing a wide range of topics, including transit-oriented development, safety and security, best practices, service changes and more.

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